June 24, 2024

Monday: Below the Fold

Dobbs anniversary, Ronny Jackson demands debate drug test for Biden, White House’s newest communications weirdo, and more.

Government & Politics

  • Dobbs anniversary, DOJ targets pro-lifers: Today is the second anniversary of the Dobbs decision wherein the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, returning the legislative authority on abortion back to the individual states. Dobbs simply rescinded SCOTUS’s diktat on the issue, meaning that abortion remains America’s greatest ongoing sin. Its legality stands as a blatant hypocritical denunciation of our nation’s founding and stated belief in the universal right to life of every American. Yet, like the vile practice of slavery early in the nation’s history, some are loath to give up this murderous “right” because they see it as politically advantageous. Joe Biden is one of these individuals, and his Justice Department is targeting any who would dare oppose the slaughter of the most innocent among us. The DOJ is using the dubious FACE Act to go after pro-life advocates, already prosecuting and imprisoning several who peacefully protested in and outside abortion clinics. The DOJ’s latest target is five pro-life protesters in Florida who are accused of blocking an entrance to an abortion clinic in Fort Myers. Meanwhile, Biden’s DOJ has yet to use the FACE Act against pro-abortion activists who have attacked pro-life clinics. We long for the day when Americans view abortion with the same if not greater degree of public disgust and revolt as they do slavery today. It took nearly 50 years to overturn Roe; hopefully, it won’t take another 50 years to end abortion on demand.

Biden says Trump, conservatives are pushing “extremism” in video marking 2nd anniversary of Roe reversal (Daily Wire)

  • Former WH physician demands debate drug test for Biden: Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson has seen a thing or two in his day, as the onetime leader of resuscitative medicine for a combat surgical shock trauma platoon and as the White House physician to both Barack Obama and Donald Trump. So when he raises concerns about Joe Biden’s mental state, he shouldn’t be dismissed as some partisan hack. So far, he’s sent five letters to the White House, demanding that Biden submit to a cognitive test like the one Trump took. He cc’d his latest letter to Biden’s personal physician and his entire cabinet. Jackson is wondering whether Biden will be on some sort of performance-enhancing pharmaceutical cocktail (ya think?) during Thursday’s debate. Said Jackson: “I’m going to be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans [that Biden] submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs. … We have seen recently in his State of the Union address that there was a Joe Biden that came out that was not similar at all to what we see on a day-to-day basis for the last three-and-a-half years.” Perhaps Trump can gently invite Biden to join him for a post-debate drug test on Thursday night.

Ahead of first presidential debate, Trump says he’s picked running mate (National Review)

  • Trump wants more immigrants: In a recent podcast, Donald Trump expanded upon a position he has consistently held but has been erroneously reported to oppose. That issue is legal immigration. Leftists have repeatedly claimed that Trump is opposed to immigration. What they intentionally fail to qualify is the manner of immigration. Trump, like a majority of Americans, is opposed to illegal immigration, the lawless and most dangerous type of migration, which Joe Biden prizes and has deliberately expanded since he took office. In the podcast, Trump said he wants to give a green card to every foreign resident in the U.S. who graduates from an American college or university. “Let me just tell you that it’s so sad when we lose people from Harvard, MIT, from the greatest schools and lesser schools that are phenomenal schools also,” he explained. In other words, Trump wants people who positively contribute to the country. He wants people here legally, and he would like to see their numbers increase because they are good for America.

  • Behold Biden’s newest communications weirdo: Where on earth do Joe Biden’s handlers keep finding these people? It’s been bad enough having The Human Binder running Biden’s daily press “briefings,” but now we learn that he recently plucked a guy named Tyler Cherry from the anonymity of the Interior Department to work on communications inside the White House — and this despite Cherry having a history of attacking law enforcement, promoting the Russia-collusion hoax, and supporting Jew-hatred in his past social media posts. “Praying for Baltimore, but praying even harder for an end to a capitalistic police state motivated by explicit and implicit racial biases,” Cherry posted in 2015 in response to the rioting that resulted from the death in police custody of career criminal Freddie Gray. “Apt [sic] time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs,” he posted some months later. In a statement to Fox News, Team Biden said, “We’re very proud to have Tyler on the team.” We’ll just bet they are. As Cherry said in an effort to do damage control: “Past social media posts from when I was younger do not reflect my current views. Period.” Uh-huh.

  • Wikipedia and AI: Wikipedia is far from politically neutral. Indeed, its leftist bias is so pronounced that even the website’s cofounder, Larry Sanger, calls it “propaganda.” Due to Wikipedia’s leftist bias, the citation of conservative news sources, like Fox News, is now banned on the platform. The “encyclopedia of opinion,” which was conceived of as an open forum for any and all to contribute, has been taken over by a cadre of leftist editors who seek to maintain the illusion of openness and free thought while heavily censoring opinions and facts that don’t comport with their leftist worldview. Many conservatives have long been aware of Wikipedia’s leftist bias, but what has become a growing and troubling problem is that Wikipedia is being used to train AI systems like ChatGPT. As a result, these AI systems produce responses that are skewed against conservatives and in favor of leftists, especially when it comes to political views. A new study from the Manhattan Institute notes, “Our analysis also shows that these biases in Wikipedia might already be infiltrating and shaping widely used AI systems. Given Wikipedia’s status as one of the most visited sites globally, the implications of these political biases — both in influencing public opinion and shaping AI technologies — are concerning.” As the old adage states, garbage in, garbage out. The problem is not AI; the problem is the quality of the information that AI systems are being given.

  • DOJ’s Kristen Clarke hit with criminal referral, ethics complaints for “perjury,” “false statements” (Daily Signal)


  • Supreme Court to review Tennessee ban of puberty blockers, transgender surgery for minors (Fox News)

  • The Justice Department avoided all pronouns during a press announcement about a non-binary mass shooter (Not the Bee)

  • Tractor Supply Company got exposed as uber-woke and the CEO locked his social media account in response (Not the Bee)

  • Bisexual, transgender people see highest levels of loneliness, mental distress (UPI)

  • Fifteen shot in mostly peaceful Juneteenth celebration: Perhaps you missed the story last week of the mass shooting in Oakland. Fifteen people were wounded when gunfire broke out during a Juneteenth “celebration.” We missed it, too, mostly because the mainstream media missed it. Or, more accurately, chose to miss it. Call it the soft bigotry of low expectations. As Fox News reports: “The Oakland Police Department says the violence broke out around 8:45 p.m. Wednesday when ‘roughly 5,000 people [were] participating in events at and around Lake Merritt.’ … A short time later, a fight broke out, and as the crowd headed towards the altercation, multiple shots were fired.” More than 50 shell casings were found at the scene. Some of the people in the crowd also attacked police officers, according to Oakland Police Chief Floyd Mitchell, who added that a woman was taken into custody for assaulting an officer while the officer was giving first aid to a gunshot victim. Mitchell also added this obviosity: “The opportunity to celebrate with your family and friends should never be marred by gunfire.”

National Security

  • Why does China own even a foot of U.S. farmland? Either Joe Biden’s national security team hasn’t gotten the message, or they’re simply choosing to ignore it. It’s no secret that our enemies, the Communist Chinese, have been scooping up American farmland suspiciously close to our sensitive military bases. We reported on this espionage threat nearly two years ago. Heck, CNN, of all Leftmedia organs, sounded the alarm. And yet, as the New York Post headline blared on Thursday, “Map shows Chinese-owned farmland next to 19 US military bases in ‘alarming’ threat to national security: experts.” Experts? These aren’t experts. They’re people with eyes to see and ears to hear that ChiCom spies could exploit this land. The Post says some parcels are near “some of the military’s most strategically important bases: Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) in Fayetteville, North Carolina; Fort Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood) in Killeen, Texas; Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California, and MacDill air force base in Tampa, Florida.” Nothing to see here, though. Not when our commander-in-chief is bought and paid for by the ChiComs.

  • DHS group called being “religious” an “indicator” of domestic terrorism (The Federalist)

Buyer’s Remorse

  • The future is electric … but is it? While the Biden administration insists that EVs are the way of the future and touts mildly improving EV sales as proof, nearly half of U.S. EV purchasers aren’t so sure. A recent poll of EV buyers conducted by McKinsey and Co. found that a whopping 46% of them regretted their purchase and wanted to switch back to gas-powered vehicles. Predictably, the main reason cited for wanting to switch back was the lack of an adequate charging infrastructure. The second reason was the cost; the cars were just too expensive. Impractically was another reason that was high on the list, as EVs make any road trips much more time-consuming and logistically arduous. It’s as if EVs just aren’t good enough to supplant gas-powered vehicles simply because they currently have too many drawbacks to meet the average American’s needs. The truth is that EVs are little other than a luxury item for people with the financial means to engage in a fun hobby.

American Spirit

  • 105-year-old woman receives master’s degree from Stanford after leaving school at the outbreak of World War II (Not the Bee)

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