June 25, 2024

Reader Comments

Observations on the week’s analysis and commentary.

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Historic Black Turnout for Trump?

“I save a lot of time and effort every four years by ignoring the blathering of the pollsters and politicians. I invest the time paying attention to what is really being accomplished by the professional storytellers. I am generally underwhelmed. About three months before each election, I pull out my notes and compare them to the crazy talk that is trying to sell a candidate to the public. It seems that the professional election types believe most people are ignorant, and many are, but they also contribute to the ignorance.” —Washington

“It’s about time that blacks woke up and realized which party really has been trying to help them to rise up and which party only wishes to enslave them anew. Every gain that blacks have experienced is because Republicans were behind it, yet Democrats have rewritten history to the point that many blacks mistakenly believe that the Dems have been their saviors.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Friday: Below the Fold

“It’s disappointing that fully eight SCOTUS justices find no problem with the ‘temporary’ suspension of an individual’s Second Amendment rights via red flag laws. It’s not entirely surprising though, given the federal government’s increasing willingness to suspend people’s First Amendment rights for whatever ‘emergency’ du jour. But red flag laws also run afoul of the Fifth Amendment. It is only the barest ‘due process’ for a court to deprive a citizen of a constitutional liberty based on a possibly unsubstantiated report, made by someone whom the subject has no opportunity to confront. This is fertile ground for anti-gun judicial abuse.” —Georgia

Re: We’re a Republic, if We Can Keep It

“Those who insist and fearmonger that Trump is a ‘threat to democracy’ reveal their abject ignorance that our nation’s founders instituted a constitutional republic form of government to prevent tyranny over citizen minorities. Leftists, in their quest for absolute power, desire to eliminate the Electoral College, a key constitutional provision protecting all who reject the socialist agenda to ‘fundamentally transform our nation.’ It is imperative for all Americans who value their individual freedom and free enterprise to educate others, particularly younger citizens, about the benefits of our Constitution, as well as support and vote for candidates who stand for the traditional, best interests of our nation.” —Florida

Re: Biden’s Next Mass Amnesty

“I’m a LEGAL immigrant myself and now a longtime citizen. Sorry, but whether you’re an illegal immigrant married to a U.S. citizen or have children born in America or a ‘Dreamer,’ I’m not buying it. Go home or get deported. Oh, the screams that will occur about separating families … no one is saying you can’t take your children with you. And Junior, as a citizen, can come back on his 18th birthday or whenever he wants to, but YOU, stay out.” —Oklahoma

Re: Biden’s $42 Billion Broadband Bust

“As one of these rural ‘rubes,’ I am among the ‘bandwidth-impacted’ individuals that the Biden administration gleefully dumps on. We get by on a combination of two services: cellular broadband from Verizon and satellite Internet from HughesNet. The cost of both combined is $300/month. Neither of these services provides adequate bang for the buck; the download speeds from Verizon are pokey, and the latency and upload speeds from HughesNet are problematic. Sadly, Starlink was not available in my area when I had to commit to HughesNet’s odious two-year contract. I know this speaks for a lot of Americans, rural or not: We don’t care if the government doesn’t do anything for us; we just want it to quit doing things to us.” —Oklahoma

Re: Juneteenth Versus the Demo Hate Hustlers

“Southern Democrats institutionalized Jim Crow racism and it was Republican Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen of Illinois, a champion of civil rights, who delivered the votes of 27 of the 33 Republican senators, enough to end the 70-day Democrat filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Democrats then and Democrats now thrive on systemic racism while falsely claiming to be the champions of black people.” —Ohio

“Many celebrated the Juneteenth freeing of the last slaves, but not one word about those of all ethnic backgrounds who fought and died to end slavery.” —California

Re: Thursday: Below the Fold

“I don’t object to the the black community’s celebration of Juneteenth, but I most certainly do object to its full name of ‘Juneteenth National Independence Day,’ especially given it comes only three weeks before our ACTUAL national Independence Day. ‘Juneteenth National FREEDOM Day’ would be more historically accurate, and also avoid the embarrassing irony of race hucksters celebrating ‘independence’ while demanding reparations, and thereby providing more proof of their dependency.” —Georgia

“The climate change hoax has become one of the leading causes of mental illness. Since The Weather Channel’s firing of meteorologists that called out the fake climate numbers, there has been a great increase in people falling off the cliff of reality. There is a lot of media hype and misinformation along with politically motivated character assassinations for the cause of the newest ‘the world is going to end in 10 years’ bandido. That original ‘10 year’ threat passed over 30 years ago.” —Texas

Re: Anti-Family Culture Leads to Low Birth Rates

“There are roughly 400,000 kids in the U.S. that are in foster care. Almost a third of that population is up for adoption. How about we fix that first. The real answer is that society has given up on the village model. Now you are more likely to see parents or would-be parents focusing on themselves or, even worse, spending all day scrolling through TikTok and Facebook, envying everyone with whom they don’t have a real human relationship. By networking ourselves through social media and the Internet, we thought that we were connecting everyone, but in truth it isolates us. It disconnects the human body from the natural senses and emotions of person-to-person interactions.” —California

Re: What History Can Teach Us

“‘But we have to bear in mind that death is a completely different concept for Mesoamerican cultures. … Death is not seen as a bad thing. Of course, under our perspective, it’s wrong. But back then, and according to their myths and their beliefs, what they were doing was considered correct, so we cannot judge what they did under our modern point of view.’ (Rodrigo Baquera) Seriously, are we so different now? How many abortions are done daily in the U.S.? I would venture a guess that the number in a single day would be greater than the total of child sacrifices ever conducted throughout the entire existence of the Mayan civilization!” —California

Re: When a Nation Abandons the Ten Commandments

“Lack of knowledge or understanding of the Ten Commandments are one aspect of the atheism and agnosticism infecting this country. There is no room for God because we live with historical illiterates, and they are filled with hedonism and hubris, thinking that they can, for example, control climate change. They are not taught to think or rationalize. There is ignorance of the liberal arts and no depth of character. Cellphones are glued to their ears and eyes. Almost every thinking person of my generation (80 in November) has said, We lived in the best days of this Republic. These fools today don’t even know or understand what a Republic is. Thomas Hobbes may have been correct: Hell is the truth seen too late.” —Massachusetts

Re: Who Controls What You Can Say and Read?

“Donald Trump summed up the the leftist agenda: ‘In the end, they’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you — and I’m just standing in their way.’” —Tennessee

“I too just found my Patriot Post emails in my Junk folder — I read them all and did not mark them as junk. Orwellian…” —Minnesota

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