July 9, 2024

Democrats Oppose Election Integrity

House Democrats are lining up against the SAVE Act, a bill that aims to prevent noncitizens from illegally voting.

House Democrats are preparing to go to war against their Republican counterparts this week over the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. The Republican-created election integrity bill would require voters to provide proof of U.S. citizenship to cast a vote in federal elections. Despite all the “save our democracy” mumbo jumbo, it’s somehow not even remotely surprising to see Democrats object.

The White House has also come out swinging against the bill, issuing a statement blasting it as a “do nothing” measure, pointing out that “it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in Federal elections — it is a Federal crime punishable by prison and fines.”

Of course, they follow up this objection by trotting out the favorite claim of their fellow Democrats and the Leftmedia that the 2020 election was completely above board: “The alleged justification for this bill is based on easily disproven falsehoods.” Is it? It’s easy to claim something is unproven when no real investigation is done; it’s entirely a different claim to assert that the allegations of voter fraud were “disproven.”

The White House’s statement continues, “This bill would do nothing to safeguard our elections, but it would make it much harder for all eligible Americans to register to vote and increase the risk that eligible voters are purged from voter rolls. The evidence is clear that the current laws to prevent noncitizen voting are working as intended — it is extraordinarily rare for noncitizens to break the law by voting in Federal elections.”

It is indeed ironic to see Joe Biden’s handlers complain about laws being needless and useless gestures when, for example, they support such ridiculous legislation as the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act. Lynching was already a crime, so why was this bill “needed”? Yet when Biden signed that bill, he stated, “All right. It’s law.” It was as if even the age-addled Biden recognized that the legislation was little other than what it was: a virtue signal.

The point is that Democrats have long passed legislation that serves little other than to highlight their political agenda. Are Republicans engaged in a similar agenda-driven virtue signal here? Yes and no.

The White House is correct that noncitizen voting is already illegal. But it is also illegal to enter the country without permission. Not only has the Biden administration looked the other way as millions of migrants have illegally entered the country, but Democrats have also gone out of their way to make them “legal.”

According to recent calculations, there are upwards of 51 million noncitizens currently living in the U.S. Furthermore, as House Speaker Mike Johnson points out, these noncitizens pose a “clear and present danger to the integrity of our election system.” He adds, “If a nefarious actor wants to intervene in our elections, all they have to do is check a box on a form and sign their name. That’s it. That’s all that’s required. And there’s a very small chance that illegals would get caught.”

Furthermore, there is the problem of a number of Democrat-run states and cities granting voting rights to noncitizens. But Democrats are quick to dismiss any possible threat to voter integrity for federal elections by arguing that these noncitizen voters are only eligible to vote in local elections.

In addition, certain states push voter registration on their driver’s license recipients, which would not be a problem if only U.S. citizens were allowed to obtain driver’s licenses.

If this law were really unnecessary, if it’s just perfunctory words on top of words, then why are Democrats so adamantly opposed to it? The truth is, what the Democrats are so adamantly opposed to is an electoral system that errs on the side of preventing fraud rather than allowing it.

For the outcome of America’s elections to be accepted, especially in the politically polarized state we find ourselves in today, the electoral process must be trusted to be fully free of any fraud. This includes voter suppression, which was a genuine problem in the past, and illegal voting, which is the major issue today.

The SAVE Act will go a long way in helping to restore Americans’ trust in the nation’s elections. Therefore, the question we should ask is: What are the Democrats afraid of?

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