Douglas Andrews Bio

Douglas Andrews began part-time editing for The Patriot Post more than two decades ago, working primarily with Mark Alexander. He joined our editorial team full-time as a writer and analyst in 2020. As a former Marine with 30 years of research and writing experience, he long ago proved himself as an outstanding news and policy analyst.

Douglas Andrews / July 26, 2024

Trump Calls Tech Support

The former president has made great inroads in an area that was formerly foreign to Republicans: Silicon Valley.

Douglas Andrews / July 25, 2024

Biden ‘Passes’ the Torch

In a substance-free 12-minute speech, Joe Biden didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know.

Douglas Andrews / July 24, 2024

Kamala’s Cascade of Cash

The Democrats’ presumptive nominee just set a record for the largest single-day cash haul in American history.

Douglas Andrews / July 23, 2024

The Harris Honeymoon Will Be Short-Lived

The Democrats are breathing deeply about having dodged the Biden bullet, but the Harris happiness will soon wear off.

Douglas Andrews / July 22, 2024

Make Way for Candidate Kamala

The Democrats may be lauding Biden and praising Harris, but it’s all for show.

Douglas Andrews / July 21, 2024

Biden Bows to the Pressure

Having felt the heat from his scheming fellow Democrats, our cognitively unfit president finally called it quits.

Douglas Andrews / July 19, 2024

Tireless Trump Closes Out the RNC

On the final day of a convention that unified the Republican Party, the former president spoke of many things and for many minutes.

Douglas Andrews / July 18, 2024

Beware the FBI Whitewash

It’s been three days since the FBI accessed the would-be Trump assassin’s phone, and yet we still know almost nothing about his motivation.

Douglas Andrews / July 17, 2024

Secret Service Director Blames Sloped Roof

Kim Cheatle bizarrely claimed that they didn’t place agents on the rooftop used by the shooter because it was sloped.

Douglas Andrews / July 16, 2024

A Hillbilly Makes Good

Two days after narrowly surviving an assassination attempt, Donald Trump chose Ohio Senator and “Hillbilly Elegy” author J.D. Vance as his running mate.

Douglas Andrews / July 13, 2024

Donald Trump Shot at Pennsylvania Rally

The former president was shot in the right ear. The alleged assailant is dead, as is a rally attendee. Two other attendees were critically injured.

Douglas Andrews / July 12, 2024

House Passes GOP’s Voter Integrity Bill

But why is a bill ensuring that only American citizens vote in federal elections having such a hard time in Congress?

Douglas Andrews / July 11, 2024

George Clooney Joins the Pile-On

In a glaringly opportunistic New York Times op-ed, Barack Obama’s buddy tells Joe Biden it’s time to go.

Douglas Andrews / July 10, 2024

China Owes Us $18 Trillion for COVID

A “seismic” nonpartisan report on China’s responsibility for the COVID-19 pandemic aims to hold the communist nation severely accountable.

Douglas Andrews / July 9, 2024

Biden Pimps the White House to Megadonors

To no one’s surprise, Team Biden has been selling presidential access to well-heeled Democrat donors.

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