August 27, 2024

Never Forget: Biden/Harris Malfeasance Killed 13 Americans

This sad anniversary is a study in contrasts and a reminder of the choices at stake in November.

Three years ago, 13 American service members were killed in a terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, as our last remaining troops were evacuating as part of Joe Biden’s disastrous surrender and retreat.

The Abbey Gate suicide bomber, by the way, had just been released from a prison Biden ordered abandoned by American forces.

The first thing Biden did in retribution for those 13 dead Americans was to order a drone strike that killed 10 innocent civilians. The next thing was to refuse to fire anyone in his administration for the debacle. No one has resigned, either. Instead, Biden blamed Donald Trump for the plan to leave Afghanistan. Incredibly, Biden wanted us to believe that, for the first and only time, he was bound by something Trump had set in motion.

It was a brazen lie. Such a humiliating defeat for America never would have happened on Trump’s watch. American weakness led to other aggression in the world, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Hamas’s attack on Israel, as well as opening the door for China to invade Taiwan. And it left Afghanistan to the America-hating Taliban and the nation’s women and children to the truly oppressive patriarchy of radical Islamists.

At the time of the withdrawal, Kamala Harris bragged that she was the “last person in the room” with Biden as he made his catastrophic decision. She added, “This is a president who has an extraordinary amount of courage.” Political cynicism is not courage.

Now the beneficiary of the coup to prevent her boss from running again, Harris could only be bothered to issue a statement marking the anniversary. “Today and everyday [sic], I mourn and honor them,” she said. But regrets? She has none. “As I have said, President Biden made the courageous and right decision to end America’s longest war.”

Kind of like he made the courageous decision to leave for vacation after his angry and bitter tirade on the first night of last week’s Democratic National Convention. Instead of marking Monday’s anniversary, he left for another vacation on the beach in Delaware.

Both Biden and Harris serve as a continuing contrast with Trump, who marked the occasion by attending a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery along with family members of the 13 slain Americans. He was joined by former Marines Tyler Vargas-Andrews and Kelsee Lainhart, both of whom were among the dozens wounded by the blast. Vargas-Andrews lost a leg and part of an arm; Lainhart is paralyzed from the waist down.

Family members also participated in a press call with JD Vance, Trump’s running mate and a former Marine. “Nobody expects perfection from our government, but we do expect accountability,” Vance said. “The fact that Kamala Harris can’t even bring herself today to offer any real answer for what happened or for what she’s going to do over the next six months to get to the bottom of what happened is, I think, insulting to the families who gave their loved ones in service of this country.”

Family members didn’t hold back. “There’s never even been condolences [from Biden or Harris]. They just want to pretend it didn’t happen,” said Cheryl Juels, whose niece, 23-year-old Marine Sergeant Nicole Gee, was among those killed. “They want to take credit for ending the war, but they don’t want to take any responsibility for the way it all went down.” She added that Biden and Harris have “never once reached out to any of our family.” Other family members have given the same account over the years. Instead, she said, “The only person who has reached out to our family over and over again — and all 13 families — is Trump.”

In a post on Truth Social, Trump hammered Biden and Harris for their gross failure. “Three years ago, Kamala and Biden’s incompetence left 13 dead warriors, hundreds of civilians killed and grievously wounded, and $85 billion worth of the finest military equipment on the planet abandoned to the Taliban.”

Indeed, the Taliban held a military parade recently, complete with our equipment. Few things could serve as such an effective monument to the colossal failures of the Biden/Harris administration.

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