September 23, 2024

Duped Women Voters

The ever-deepening gap between male and female voters really got started with the birth of intersectional coalitions under Obama.

It’s no secret that women lean more to the left politically than men. Most have been told their entire lives that they can do and be anything while simultaneously being informed that they are put upon by men; that they are victims of “the patriarchy” and male underestimation.

This comes into stark reality when it comes to the current election.

The New York Times did an analysis of a recent Gallup poll, including the divergence between young male and female voters aged 18-29 from 2001 to the present. There was an ever-deepening gap starting in the Barack Obama years. Remember, his administration was the birth of intersectional coalitions, and heavy importance was placed on what categorical identity boxes people checked. The victimhood hierarchy was in its nascence, and here is where the triple gut punch was dealt to young women. According to the Times:

It’s hard to say definitively what changed for young women in the last eight years, researchers said. But the rise in liberal identification suggests that for a generation of women who were raised being told they could do anything, the triple punch of Hillary Clinton’s loss to Mr. Trump, the #MeToo movement and the overturning of Roe v. Wade forcefully shaped their political views.

Interestingly enough, each “triple punch” has a corresponding trigger point for women, whom the Left has managed to successfully manipulate for decades.

The first trigger: Women are emotional. They are more inclined to pity people or events that do not necessarily deserve it. Women also have a much more difficult time not being ruled by their emotions.

After all, we have been told that listening to our hearts is a much better guide than logic. That’s why Hillary Clinton not winning stung. In women’s hearts, they believed that after the first black president, a woman president was next. However, the Left put forward Clinton, who was a terrible choice. That didn’t lessen the impact on liberal women of being thwarted.

Women are much more susceptible to “vibes.” E.g.: Wouldn’t it be cool if there were a woman president? That would show the world just how far we’ve come. Most don’t stop to question if she’d be a good representative not only of women but every American, much less if she’d actually be able to do her job as commander-in-chief.

Clearly, not all women fall into this camp, and this author isn’t condemning female emotions. They are a gift and a tool if properly managed. Women’s emotions are a compliment to men’s propensity to take action. However, the Left has managed to hijack and use women for its own political ends, and the Left has successfully painted Republicans as heartless. Nothing could be further from the truth for issues like abortion, immigration, and the gender wars.

Second trigger: Women are more community-orientated. It’s a superpower. Men build houses and provide safety, and women populate the earth and provide rules of engagement for social interactions.

The #MeToo movement is a perfect example of this. The unchecked ravages of men in power needed to be stopped, so women mobilized. The movement stopped some high-profile monsters like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby. However, it all too quickly became used as a cudgel against anyone they didn’t like. See Amber Heard and Jada Pinkett Smith for further proof of such toxic feminism.

The fact that women, particularly young women, keep voting blue even after dramatic proof that the Democrats quickly resort back to their bad ways is so obvious that even The New York Times has pointed out their hypocrisy.

Third trigger: The overturning of Roe v. Wade. This one is particularly insidious because it deals with an issue that starkly divides a room. It’s also an issue that abortion-supporting leftists don’t really have a good leg to stand on. At the end of the day, they are green-lighting the death of innocent, defenseless babies and permanently scarring their mothers emotionally. (And in some cases killing the mother.)

If Donald Trump’s biggest problem is women, then Kamala Harris’s is men. Investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield sums up Harris’s dilemma perfectly: “In polls, men are statistically more likely to vote on issues, and women on personal characteristics. The Kamala coup offers new personal characters, but not issues. The DNC had no new platform. Its platform was considered so irrelevant that no one got around to editing it to remove mentions of Biden’s second term. The Kamala campaign only added an ‘issues’ section to its website days before the upcoming presidential debate. The message is that issues don’t matter, what does matter is that Kamala is like the best friend you never had. And Trump is a mean old man.”

The sad thing is that as emotionally intelligent as many women are, they can’t see through Harris’s fakeness. Harris is a bad boss who is terrible at her job. But men make fun of her laugh and attack her for sleeping her way up the political ladder. Does it then follow that she must be defended at all costs?

Are women emotionally incontinent? Democrats certainly think they are. Or unimpressive? Perhaps.

Regardless, women are what we as a society have made them to be. If they are shallow, unmanageable, contrary, cruel, or useful idiots, are we as a society not partly to blame? We have allowed them to be raised to think that killing babies is okay, that women and men are the same and interchangeable, that they will always be right because they aren’t the ones “in power,” and that virtue means being politically active and demonizing political opponents but not actually living out those espoused virtues in reality. Women need truth and to be shown that being a man’s equal doesn’t mean being a man and that the life the Democrats are selling them isn’t a good one.

The GOP has a PR problem with women, and like our Mark Alexander has wisely stated, “Any GOP candidate who can clearly articulate why Liberty and free enterprise are winning goals for women and their families will attract enough voters, male and female, to defeat the Left’s socialist propaganda machine. A majority of women are NOT the emotionally incontinent idiots Democrats believe they are.”

It’s on the GOP to start making itself attractive to young women, and that starts with divesting the Democrat propaganda machine from schools and pop culture.

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