NYT Targets Conservative Media
The Gray Lady teams up with leftist outfit Media Matters to get Big Tech to silence conservative commentators.
There’s a reason that public trust in legacy media outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post is in the tank. These so-called news outlets have been exposed as being little other than apparatchiks of the Democrat Party. Their job is to pump out propaganda in favor of the Democrats, full stop.
The latest example of this comes courtesy of the aforementioned New York Times. Several prominent conservative commentators, including The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro and former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, recently received messages from Times journalist Nico Grant alerting them to a story the paper would soon be running that dealt with conservative commentators supposedly spreading misinformation on their YouTube channels.
Grant noted that he relied on “research” produced by the leftist “watchdog” group Media Matters for America for his story. Media Matters was created by longtime Clinton ally David Brock for the sole purpose of attacking conservative media organizations. Since Nazi comparisons are all the rage these days, relying on Media Matters as a source of truth and accuracy is akin to trusting Joseph Goebbels for the true history of the Jews.
Conservative commentator Greg Price weighed in, posting on X: “It used to be that the New York Times would pretend that they don’t rely on Media Matters, the creepiest organization in America full of absolute freaks, to pressure Big Tech to censor popular conservatives. It’s good to see them finally admitting it out loud.”
Calling the action the legacy media’s “October surprise,” Shapiro asserted that the entire game is to “pressure YouTube to demonetize and penalize any and all conservatives ONE WEEK FROM THE ELECTION.” He noted the means of doing this was as follows: “Run an article in America’s ‘most trusted newspaper’ that declares pretty much every major conservative a purveyor of ‘misinformation’ on YouTube, thus strong-arming YouTube into taking action against conservatives.”
And Media Matters isn’t the only leftist organization getting in on the act. The self-appointed arbiter of “trustworthy” news sources, NewsGuard, is apparently also part of this censorship cabal.
NewsGuard’s thought police have notified ZeroHedge that they were in the process of updating their review of ZeroHedge, adding that the organization “continues to not meet the criteria for not repeatedly publishing false or egregiously misleading content, gathering and presenting information responsibly, handling the difference between news and opinion responsibly, avoiding deceptive headlines, having effective practices for correcting errors, and providing information about the site’s content creators and editorial leaders.”
Nearly every single issue that NewsGuard highlights as problematic with ZeroHedge is a standard practice among such media outfits as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN. But unsurprisingly, NewsGuard rates all those outlets as highly trustworthy.
Sadly, this is just another instance of projection by the Leftmedia — smearing conservative media as purveyors of “misinformation” in order to get Big Tech to censor them. This effort is not about promoting the truth but about suppressing it to protect the Left’s prevailing narrative.
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