Pelosi Complains of Not Making Time Cover
Time magazine is sexist. At least that’s what Nancy Pelosi implies. “[W]hen [Democrats] won the House – and that was largely an initiative that I started around 2000, to take us to a place where we would win the House – that was a big thing,” Pelosi said. But, she complained, “I was never on the cover of Time magazine, even though I was the first woman to be [speaker]. Isn’t that a curiosity? Republicans win and [John] Boehner is on the front of Time magazine. Mitch McConnell wins and he is on the front to Time magazine. Is there a pattern here? But as a woman, is there a message here? Is there something that we’re missing?” There’s a lot Nancy Pelosi is missing, but in this case, we think she’s just bitter and she’s got to fall back on the same “war on women” rhetoric that failed to deliver votes on Election Day.