Critical Race Theory Is Racist … By Design
Research shows that CRT heightens rather than diminishes racial discord.
Critical race theory (CRT) promotes the idea that our society is controlled by inherently racist white people and, therefore, people of color are systemically oppressed in all sorts of ways. Naturally, this feeds racist sentiments among minorities. But researcher Christopher Schorr recently released his findings on CRT’s impact on white Americans, and what he found is that, contrary to the claims of its leftist proponents, CRT actually produces what it claims to fight against — white nationalists and white identitarians.
To put it another way, CRT’s redefinition of racism to mean prejudice plus power and its rewriting of American history as primarily an expression of white supremacy have only served to increase the number of white Americans who react by describing their white identity as “very” or “extremely” important.
Attacking someone primarily on account of their immutable racial characteristic is what most Americans accurately interpret as racism. And the result will be to produce a defensiveness associated with one’s race and an increased awareness of one’s racial identity.
In this regard, CRT does exactly what it was designed to do. It breaks down and destroys the social foundations of a nation and culture in order to pave the way for a Marxist revolution and the reforming of society. The Left is using CRT to intentionally destroy any semblance of a cohesive and collective American identity and experience that transcend race. CRT proponents preach that an individual’s racial identity is more important than one’s national identity and that concern for racial supremacy is the primary motive behind all white Americans’ political and cultural concerns.
Schorr further observes that when white Americans are exposed to anti-CRT information, their tendency to hold tightly to their racial identity declines. He writes: “High white-identifiers were more willing to restrict American identity to those with ‘American ancestry’ (8 percent), but they also expressed 14 percent greater agreement that ‘racial minorities are, on average, just as patriotic as white Americans.’ Crucially, white conservative ethnocentrism dropped 24 percent. Thus, findings from both ‘conservative’ primes offered cause for optimism whereas findings from the critical prime were more consistently undesirable.”
CRT attacks the civil rights movement’s goal of a colorblind American society as “racist” precisely because colorblindness undercuts the racial-identity motif needed for CRT to function. The great irony is that CRT’s “anti-racism” creed promotes the very racial stereotypes it claims to oppose, whether among minorities who buy into it or among whites who rebel against it. CRT is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing, sneaking in to destroy the sheep, not protect them.