The Democrats’ Identity Crisis
Americans might have voted President Donald Trump out, but they also rejected the Left’s extreme agenda.
As of this writing, Joe Biden has overtaken President Donald Trump in both Georgia and Pennsylvania, which would push him over the 270 Electoral College threshold and secure him the presidency. Of course, there will deservedly be numerous lawsuits and court decisions before all is said and done, but assuming nothing significantly changes, Biden will become the 46th president of the United States. It may be a big win for Democrats, but it also appears the only one they will be celebrating, as down-the-ballot results clearly show that a majority of Americans rejected their leftist “woke” agenda.
On Tuesday morning, party leaders and media figures were confidently predicting a “blue wave.” By evening, however, that not only failed to materialize but had begun to turn into a slowly rising red tide. Gone were Democrat expectations of gaining a Senate majority — well, almost gone. And like a sweet dream that’s suddenly turned into a nightmare, so went the Dems’ hopes of an expanded House majority. In fact, there’s still an outside possibility Republicans could take the majority. The same failure took hold at the state level.
To put it bluntly, the Democrats’ hope and expectation of a clear mandate from the electorate to move forward on their aggressive leftist agenda to “fundamentally transform the nation” was stingingly refuted. Now they’re left licking their wounds even as “the big guy” looks to be soon taking up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
On Thursday, the frustration over the Dems’ massive down-ballot failures came to a head as members sparred over the party’s hard-left agenda. On a “leaked” phone call, an irate Representative Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), who barely defeated her Republican challenger, blasted the party for embracing the agenda of the extreme Left. “We have to commit to not saying the words ‘defund the police’ ever again. We need to not ever use the words ‘socialist’ or ‘socialism’ ever again,” she lectured. “It does matter, and we have lost good members because of that.”
Far-leftist “Squad” member Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) pushed back, arguing, “Don’t blame myself [sic] and others who are fighting for issues that matter to our communities.”
Cheri Bustos, chair of the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee, sought to spin the blame onto bad polling. “I’m furious,” she railed. “Something went wrong here across the entire political world. Our polls, Senate polls, gov polls, presidential polls, Republican polls, public polls, turnout modeling, and prognosticators all pointed to one political environment — that environment never materialized.”
Ashe Schow of The Daily Wire observed, “Some Democrats blamed the left wing of the party, saying the specter of socialism loomed large in Trump-leaning districts. Others told Politico the DCCC spent money in races it had no hope of winning. Still others suggested the party had no real message beyond bashing President Donald Trump.”
The current Democrat Party is a house divided, and that’s exemplified nowhere better than by the presidential ticket. At the top, you have Joe Biden, whose record over 47 years in Washington is one of a consummate go-along-to-get-along party member. His running mate, Kamala Harris, holds the distinction of having the most leftist voting record in the entire Senate. Further left than Elizabeth Warren. Further left than even Bernie Sanders. This reality was further evidenced by her Marxist campaign ad touting equity over equality.
Will Democrats recognize the sound repudiation from the majority of America over their embrace of hard leftism and tack back to the middle? Can they even accomplish such a feat without fracturing the party since the extremists have gained such a significant foothold? Or since Biden is unlikely to last four years? In a presidential campaign that was largely run on an “Orange Man Bad” platform, what is it, exactly, that Biden offers the country? Democrats are now left scratching their collectives heads, because most Americans want nothing to do with the party’s “woke” nonsense.