Reader Comments
What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles.
Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.
Re: “Biden’s ‘Gun Violence’ Confab Deflection”
“‘Operation: Exile’ in Richmond, Virginia, a few years ago should be all the proof needed that actually enforcing laws already on the books works as a deterrent to crime. Guarantee criminals prison time for their criminal activity and some of them think twice. If half of the more than 30,000 gun laws in our nation were enforced, crime would drop overnight. The other half of those laws are unconstitutional infringements that need to be repealed.” —Michigan
Re: “Texas Democrats Flee Voter Integrity”
“It’s not like they’re actually being arrested. You know, where police take them to jail, get their mug shots, then put them in a cell. That may be what they deserve, but no — they’ll merely be loaded on a bus and returned to the Texas Capitol, where they will provide a quorum so the vote can be held. Democrats fleeing to prevent a vote they know they’ll lose is nothing new, but they’ll keep using it because they have no shame.” —Washington
Re: “Biden Admin Invites UN to Fix ‘Systemic Racism’ in U.S.”
“Having the UN investigate racism in the U.S. is like having Venezuela or Cuba school us about prosperity. Having China criticize our human rights violations is like listening to a lion condemn an antelope for its inhumane treatment of grass. The world can get more transparency and light from a black hole than from the various dictatorial regimes around the globe, including from the socialist Democrats running our show.” —Illinois
Re: “BLM Blames Us, Praises Cuban Commies”
“Did Cuba ever ‘redistribute’ any money? Forbes Magazine estimated Fidel Castro’s fortune to be $900 million! By the way, all those great Cuban hospitals and medical care are only for the elite government officials and foreigners who come bringing money. For the Cuban hoi polloi, it is Third World medical care — no supplies or modern equipment, just old junk! It is the same with shopping. The party elite and foreigners have special stores where they alone are allowed to shop. These stores rival any of the classiest stores in America with imported luxury goods.” —California
Re: “Taiwan Is Next, but Should We Care?”
“In 1994, Ukraine agreed to surrender its large stockpile of Soviet-era nuclear weapons in return for Russian promises to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and existing borders. But in 2014, Vladimir Putin violated the agreement, invading and annexing the Crimean Peninsula. As we were also signatories to the treaty, this was an act of war against both Ukraine and the United States. But after seeing the Syrians ignore Barack Obama’s ‘red line’ with impunity two years earlier, Putin had correctly bet that he could do the same. If failing to honor our commitments to protect free peoples from aggressive neighbors is the benchmark for America being ‘finished as the democratic global leader for liberty,’ I’d say we passed it years ago.” —Georgia
“I agree with the entirety of this article, though I perceive that the U.S. has lost its will to make the continued sacrifices to lead. We have become soft, inward looking, and navel gazing rather than staying battle ready and hardened. We have gone the way of the decadent latter Roman Empire. China has not. While we have become accustomed to our place in the world’s economic strata, China has been smiling to our face, doing our menial manufacturing, and whetting its swords while we’re not looking. America’s sins of omission and commission are coming home to our own front porch. All-out war is coming. God help Taiwan. God help every Pacific nation. God help the U.S. — if He will any more hear us.” —Texas
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