BLM’s Racist Boycott of White Businesses
By calling for a boycott of all white-owned businesses, Black Lives Matter is putting a lump of coal in everyone’s stocking.
‘Tis the season — for race-based discrimination, apparently.
Clearly not content with its declining popularity among the American people, the money-grubbing Marxist pressure group known as Black Lives Matter has doubled down on darkness by calling for a boycott of all businesses owned by white people. Or, rather, all businesses not owned by black people.
As Fox Business reports: “The Black Lives Matter movement’s national arm is leading a boycott of 'white companies’ until New Year’s Day, encouraging supporters to help ‘end white-supremacist-capitalism’ by visiting only Black-owned businesses during the holiday shopping season.”
Where BLM’s tactics are concerned, some might think that boycotting these blameless businesses only through New Year’s Day is downright reasonable. It isn’t. Retail shops rely on this crucial holiday period for their year-round survival, with the month before Christmas typically accounting for 20-40% of retailers’ annual sales.
“White-supremacist-capitalism uses policing to protect profits and steal Black life,” reads a cheerful Instagram post from the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. “Skip the Black Friday sales and buy exclusively from Black-owned businesses.” And nothing says “Merry Christmas” like a big, bold, pan-African separatist Black Lives Matter “X.”

Incidentally, the aforementioned BLM Global Network Foundation isn’t exactly struggling to scrape by. These shakedown artists hauled in more than $90 million in 2020. But who knows where all that corporate graft went, or how many houses it purchased in lily-white neighborhoods for the organization’s senior leadership?
American banks, by the way, haven’t been overlooked either. “Move your money out of white-corporate banks that finance our oppression and open accounts with Black-owned banks,” say the BLM Global Pooh-bahs to their far less affluent supporters.
American companies don’t seem to have learned any lessons. Or, if they have, they seem to be gritting their teeth Delta-pledge-like and saying, “Thank you, Sir, may I have another?” As Just the News reports:
With corporate America poised to enjoy its yearly surge in holiday season sales — and profits — Black Lives Matter has been getting into the spirit of the season with a barrage of wrathful tweets denouncing Christmas and Cyber Monday for promoting “white-supremacist-capitalism.” Yet despite BLM’s recent stream of invective, corporations across the country are standing pat for now in their pledges of support — both moral and monetary — for the wrathfully anti-capitalist movement.
First, BLM’s official Twitter account targeted Thanksgiving last Thursday, writing, “You are eating dry turkey and overcooked stuffing on stolen land.”
“Colonization never ended,” another tweet read. “It just became normalized. This nation was built on the stolen land of Indigenous people and the stolen labor and lives of our African Ancestors.”
With poisonous and racially inflammatory rhetoric like this, we almost wish these folks would find a holiday of their own.