Will the Dems Try to Pull Another 2020 in ‘22?
A new documentary by conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza blows the lid off the deeply flawed 2020 election.
The first and most obvious lie was spread nationwide, by multiple sources, immediately after Joe Biden was declared the winner. Biden himself said it, as did the talkingheads at CNN, as did Donald Trump’s own undersecretary for homeland security: “The 2020 election was the most secure election in American history.”
It was as if they were all reading from the same script. And it was rubbish. How could anyone make such a claim so quickly? How could any organization have done such an in-depth analysis so soon after the election?
To those willing to think honestly about it, the 2020 election was deeply suspect. The incumbent, Donald Trump, earned 12 million more votes than any Republican candidate in history and handily carried an astounding 18 of 19 “bellwether” counties across the nation, and yet still got seven million fewer votes than gaffe-prone, basement-bound, cognitively challenged Joe Biden — a guy whose candidacy was so awful, so utterly uninspiring, that he finished a dismal fourth in the Iowa caucuses and fifth in the New Hampshire primary before getting his clock cleaned by 26 points in Nevada by Bernie Sanders. But somehow, Biden went from being a dead man walking to hauling in 81 million votes in the general. That’s more population-adjusted votes than a far younger, far more compelling, infinitely more charismatic Barack Obama got in 2008.
Something didn’t add up, but the mainstream media wasn’t about to go digging for it. Instead, that would be up to a private citizen, Catherine Engelbrecht.
“There is no way to know who the votes were cast for,” said the indomitable Engelbrecht, whose voting-integrity organization, True the Vote, had been viciously targeted by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, at the height of the Tea Party movement. “But what we do know is the claim that 2020 was ‘the most secure election ever’ is false.” And Engelbrecht now has the forensic goods to prove it. As Newsweek reports:
Engelbrecht said her group spent $1 million to obtain geospatial information from several marketing services that she agreed not to name and $20,000 to obtain video via open-records requests to counties and cities in five states where it appeared Trump was winning, until mail-in and drop-box ballots were counted: Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. From there, she says she and her staff cross-referenced the times and locations of the cell phones whose users visited multiple drop boxes with the 4 million minutes of video obtained from city and county governments.
All of this is chronicled in a new documentary film by Dinesh D'Souza titled “2000 Mules,” which premieres in early May. In it, as the New York Post’s Miranda Devine writes, D'Souza shows how True the Vote painstakingly used three trillion cellphone geotracking signals and surveillance video to reveal “a network of ‘mules’ in battleground states busily collecting ballots from get-out-the-vote NGOs and stuffing them, a few at a time, into multiple drop boxes in the dead of night.” The geotracking signals obtained were those near drop boxes and also near election nonprofits from October 1, 2020, through to the election on November 3, and through the Georgia runoff date of January 6, 2021.
Remember: Only 43,000 votes decided the election in the three battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin. And this process of “ballot trafficking,” also known as bulk-mail ballot fraud, is how the Democrats carried it off.
How True the Vote was able to gain access to the electronic whereabouts of millions of American citizens certainly raises some questions about privacy, but we suspect this geotracking information is simply available to commercial organizations for marketing purposes. She just has a different purpose in mind: saving the republic by solving an infuriating electoral mystery and, ultimately, beginning the hard work of restoring the American people’s confidence in a deeply flawed system.
“Without free and fair elections,” says D'Souza in the film’s trailer, “we are not a democracy; we are a criminal cartel masquerading as a democracy.”
For the record: We should note that D'Souza pleaded guilty in 2014 to having violated campaign finance laws to donate money to the political campaign of a college friend, Wendy Long. That whole episode, however — being targeted by Barack Obama for having written a critical book about him, and when millions in unregulated soft money and dark money were pouring into Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns — seemed to us to be nothing more than an act of vindictiveness.
- Tags:
- voter fraud
- Donald Trump
- Joe Biden
- 2020 election
- 2000 Mules
- Dinesh D'Souza
- Catherine Engelbrecht
- True the Vote