Biden Sucks Up to the Saudis
Our tough-talking president’s toothless words are now coming back to haunt him.
For the sake of the Democrat Party in particular and the nation in general, should we henceforth forbid members of the Biden family from speaking publicly?
Fresh off of First Lady Herr Doktor Jill Biden, Ed.D.‘s butchering of the word bodegas and her likening of Hispanics to so many scrumptious breakfast tacos, there was our commander-in-chief yesterday, doing that diplomatic thing in Israel and forcefully stating that we “keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust.”
In fairness to Biden, one of his handlers shouted into his earpiece almost immediately, thereby allowing the president to correct course on the systematic slaughter of six million Jews:
Later today, I will once more return to the hollowed [sic] ground of Yad Shavim [sic] Vashem to honor the six million Jewish lives that were stolen in a genocide and continue — which we must do every, every day — continue to bear witness, to keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust — horror of the Holocaust — honor those we lost, so that we never, ever forget that lesson, you know, and to continue our shared, unending work to fight the poison of anti-Semitism wherever it raises its ugly head.
As Fox News’s Raymond Arroyo quipped, “At least we can be thankful he didn’t compare the Israelis to matzoh ball soup or falafel, so this is a big improvement over recent days.”
Still, we wonder whether Israeli President Isaac Herzog had some second thoughts before bestowing upon the American dunderhead his state’s highest civilian honor, the Israeli Presidential Medal of Honor.
Perhaps we’re being a bit uncharitable to our 79-year-old, cognitively addled president. Then again, perhaps not. Think about it: If we consider what the fallout would’ve been had Donald Trump committed such a cringeworthy gaffe, well, we realize that it’s only reasonable to expect greater precision from The Leader of the Free World, especially when it comes to matters of genocide. So it’s only fair, only equitable, that Scranton Joey Cornpop Unitus Robinette Brandon gets what’s coming to him.
Then again, maybe he was just warming up. Perhaps he’ll unveil an all-new gaffe tomorrow. After all, he’ll be in Saudi Arabia then, there to bow before Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman just like his old boss once did before his predecessor, King Abdullah — all the better to soften up the Saudis and get them to open up those oil spigots just a bit.
It’ll be a tough trip for Biden, disgracefully going hat-in-hand to the very same crown prince who’s already rebuffed him a couple of times, and whose henchmen in 2018 killed and cut up into little pieces a Washington Post columnist, Jamal Khashoggi, for having said unkind things about him.
Of course, if “Green” Joe hadn’t declared war against our own nation’s energy industry, he wouldn’t find himself in such a pickle today.
Ahead of his trip, Biden’s handlers penned an op-ed in The Washington Post that was, if nothing else, predictable in its Trump hatred, shameless in its self-congratulation, and audacious in its historic revisionism. Why, it was as if Donald Trump hadn’t squashed ISIS, hadn’t torn up that rotten Iran nuke deal, hadn’t greased the terrorist mastermind Qassem Soleimani, hadn’t moved the American embassy in Israel to its rightful place in Jerusalem, and hadn’t orchestrated those peacemaking Abrahamic accords between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
Interestingly, the Post allowed Biden to publish his propaganda while also holding him to account for his all-bark, no-bite, hat-in-hand approach to the journalist-butchering Saudis. After all, this is the same Big Mouth Joe Biden who vowed during a Demo debate in 2019, “We were going to in fact make them pay the price, and make them, in fact, the pariah that they are.”
Regarding the aforementioned murder of Khashoggi, Washington Post publisher Fred Ryan asked in an op-ed of his own, “Why is President Biden now going to Jiddah on bended knee to shake the 'pariah’s’ bloodstained hand?” Ryan correctly notes that Biden’s visit to the kingdom, at least under these circumstances, “erodes our moral authority.” But when did Joe Biden ever have moral authority? Ryan ends his piece with a lament that the crown prince’s planned photo op “will belong in an album of American shame,” and on this point it’s hard to disagree.
Strategic partnerships are important, and the Saudis have long been not only a leading oil supplier to the U.S. and the world but also a Sunni counterweight to Iran’s meddling Shia presence in the region. Biden, though, has poisoned our relationship with the Saudis, and he’s now compounding that mistake and further weakening our hand by groveling. All this while we have an abundance of oil just waiting to be tapped here at home.
It’d serve Joe Biden right if the crown prince told him to pound sand.