Biden Blackmails Saudis to Rig Midterms
If soliciting a foreign government’s interference in our election is an impeachable offense, then Joe Biden has some serious ‘splaining to do.
We’re sure it was a perfect call. A perfect phone call.
It was the call to that foreign head of state that ended up getting the president impeached. You remember: the one in which he tried to get them to interfere in the upcoming election.
We’re getting ahead of ourselves. Republicans haven’t even taken the House of Representatives from the Democrats yet, and we’re already looking back fondly on Joe Biden’s impeachment for having tried to strong-arm Saudi Arabia into delaying the OPEC+ announcement of a two-million-barrels-per-day cut in oil production until after November’s midterm elections.
When Biden requested the month-long delay — which we’re sure had nothing to do with the timing of the upcoming midterms — the Saudis forcefully shut him down. From their statement:
[The] Government of the Kingdom clarified through its continuous consultation with the US Administration that all economic analyses indicate that postponing the OPEC+ decision for a month, according to what has been suggested, would have had negative economic consequences.
“The Saudis,” as Victor Davis Hanson put it, “are enjoying the schadenfreude of seeing their former American critic now on his knees, demanding the purportedly dirty, polluting oil produced by a supposed ‘pariah’ state.”
But it doesn’t matter that the Saudis once again told Biden to pound sand. What matters is Biden’s intent, which was clearly to solicit their interference in our upcoming midterms. And so, to refresh our memory, we reviewed the language within Article I, Abuse of Power, in the Democrats’ first impeachment of Donald Trump:
Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election. He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.
Hmm… It seems pretty clear that by the Democrats’ own standard, soliciting the interference of a foreign government in a U.S. election is an impeachable offense. So, below, with just a few italicized edits, we’ve saved the House Republicans some time in drawing up their own Abuse of Power impeachment article for Joe Biden:
Using the powers of his high office, President Biden solicited the interference of a foreign government, Saudi Arabia, in the 2022 United States midterm election. He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Saudi Arabia to delay the announcement of oil production cuts in a way that would benefit his party’s reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2022 United States midterm election to his advantage.
Of course, all this is made worse by Biden’s naked attempt to strong-arm the Saudis — to blackmail them, as it were. The Saudis’ quid was supposed to be postponing that oil announcement. Biden’s quo was revealed by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who warned that the president will “examine” the U.S.-Saudi relationship, which he and Democrats in Congress make clear includes “the question of arms sales.”
The impeachment docket is already getting a bit crowded, though. Ol’ Joe might have to take a number; might have to wait his turn behind Alejandro Mayorkas.
“No one f***s with a Biden,” our weak and cognitively addled president bragged on a hot mic last week. Unfortunately for him, and for every one of us who has to pump gas into a car, the Saudis didn’t get the memo. Or maybe they did, but they simply weren’t impressed.
As our Nate Jackson noted Wednesday, the Saudis know electoral shenanigans when they see them. And, we suspect, they know a weak American president when they see one.
Updated with a keen observation about the Saudis from Victor Davis Hanson.