Right Analysis   /   Education
Media Editors / February 21, 2020

Video: UVA Student Says Whites Should Leave Multicultural Center

“Frankly there are just too many white people in here.”

Louis DeBroux / February 19, 2020

The Answer to Bullying Is Strength, Not Submission

Yet we teach children to never fight back, lest they be punished equal to the offender.

Media Editors / February 18, 2020

Video: The Rise of Self-Segregation and Anti-White Racism

University campuses are a breeding ground for ignoramuses.

Media Editors / February 11, 2020

Video: Loans Forgiven via Transgender Kids

Elizabeth Warren thinks letting a transgender kid pick a SecEd is great policy.

Patrick Hampton / February 10, 2020

Stand for Our Schools

Democrats are in denial about the opportunity afforded to minorities with school choice.

Culture Beat / January 30, 2020

Conservative Cities Better for Minority Students’ Education

The educational gap between white and minority students is highest in progressive cities.

Willie Richardson / January 30, 2020

DeVos on Slavery, Pro-Choice, and School Choice

Let’s choose what is right for our children. The right to life and education.

Willie Richardson / January 24, 2020

The 21st Century Content of Character Minority Report

Discipline problems with black students are caused by a lack of character, not color.

Arnold Ahlert / January 20, 2020

A Nascent College Accountability System

Holding institutions of higher learning accountable for rising tuition and loan defaults.

Media Editors / January 16, 2020

Video: Illegal Aliens Offered Exclusive Faculty Mentoring at Cali University

The program’s website demonstrates how “oppressed” illegal aliens are in the age of Trump.

Arnold Ahlert / December 23, 2019

CA Lawsuits Assert Standardized Tests Discriminate

They claim the SAT/ACT admissions requirement violates the state’s anti-discrimination statute.

Brian Mark Weber / December 13, 2019

Universities Build Massive Endowments, Students Take Big Loans

“US families owed $1.5 trillion in student debt, while the well-endowed hoarded $617 billion.”

Arnold Ahlert / November 25, 2019

Public Schools Must Be De-unionized

It’s time to sink the union monopolies in school districts across the nation.

Todd Starnes / November 11, 2019

U. of Virginia Cancels 21-Gun Salute, Citing Gun Violence

The school may think it’s protecting overly sensitive students, but in reality it’s disrespecting veterans.

Willie Richardson / November 6, 2019

What’s Really Wrong With American Public Schools?

Poverty, low attendance, and negative peer influence all trace back to fatherlessness.

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