Right Analysis   /   Education
Media Editors / October 23, 2019

Video: Solving Student Debt

A new idea called “income share agreements” could help solve the student-debt crisis.

Media Editors / October 21, 2019

Video: How to Beat the Student Debt Crisis

College tuition has skyrocketed and now Americans are $1.6 trillion in student-loan debt.

Political Editors / October 18, 2019

Democrats’ College ‘Affordability’ Act Is Anything But

It’s a de facto loan-forgiveness program that will only increase the cost of higher education.

Arnold Ahlert / September 23, 2019

‘Woke’ Education Corrupts Students

“Progressives” replaced education with indoctrination, as even some leftists discover.

Media Editors / September 11, 2019

Video: Let Charter Schools Teach

Governments limit charter schools, but charters often do better than government-run schools.

Lewis Morris / August 29, 2019

Rigging the SAT in a Different Way

Is the College Board going to drop the “adversity score” from the test? Not really.

Media Editors / August 27, 2019

Video: Is College Worth It?

Is college a good investment? It’s getting harder and harder to make that case.

Culture Beat / August 21, 2019

More Americans Have Negative View of College

Pew finds Republicans and Independents are souring on institutions of higher learning.

Media Editors / July 29, 2019

Video: America’s Big Issue With Education

American colleges and universities are failing in one of their most basic missions.

Political Editors / July 26, 2019

Another Bogus Study on ‘Racist’ School Discipline

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights falsely denies a different rate of misbehavior among races.

Arnold Ahlert / July 25, 2019

Groupthink Campus Culture

“Inclusive” language standards on campus are all about crushing free thought.

Arnold Ahlert / July 22, 2019

Eliminating Educational Apartheid

Two bills introduced by Sen. Josh Hawley aim to break up the education “monopoly.”

Arnold Ahlert / July 18, 2019

Inflated Egos Require Inflated Grades

Studies show that the average grade has gone from a C to an A, not because of merit.

Arnold Ahlert / July 11, 2019

Holocaust ‘Neutrality’ Equals Educational Bankruptcy

“We have let our public education fall into the hands of people with frightening agendas.”

Media Editors / July 1, 2019

Video: Students Celebrate Marxist Che Guevara

Will Witt went to the UC San Diego cafe named for communist revolutionary Che Guevara.

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