Right to Free Speech
With the right to free speech, we can claim all our other rights. Without it, how might we stop Government from taking all others. Free speech does not require we agree with others but allow them their public opinions. The Lefts’ assaults requiring Political Correctness defined by Liberal Politicians indebted to specific groups financing their re-elections wish statutory restrictions on speech concerning Homosexuality, Islam, Terrorism, Welfare, Multiculturalism, Races and more by anyone whose voiced or written thoughts on morals or ethics might cause any discomfort. The state should not be comfortable, nor allowed, regulating public discourse.
You can be sure I despise Barack Obama as I do any other socialist and consider his every gaseous emanation offensive but I believe he needs to be allowed to speak. Naturally, I think those who support him ignorant in need of education but not gagging. The Left disagrees. Marxism, Communism, and Socialism cannot exist alongside free speech thus always seek restrictions.
Today’s Democrats decry Tea Party, Christian, Conservative, and Republican public disagreements as “hate speech” driven by ignorance and evil intent that must be curbed for the betterment of the “State” (or public). Too many public officials, prosecutors, and media seem to think there is but one side to any debate, the liberal, and are ever more comfortable openly arguing just that. Christianity, other moral setting religions, and political Conservatives are often portrayed as restrictive, evil, wrong, and not to be tolerated by those who would extensively restrict speech for the first time in nearly 400 years. To negate free speech is to negate equality under law. When individuals control what may be said publicly, rights accrue only to certain interest groups favored by those individuals, Liberty ceases.
Perhaps racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and all offensive utterances are wrong. Government’s criminalization micro-regulating compliance is infinitely worse. Only free thought expressed freely allows open debate improving relations by exposing both good and bad to be accepted as society sees fit.