Is Bigger Better and Still Christian?
Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California is touted as a mega church with an average attendance of 20,000 or more making it the eighth largest church in America. Warren is without doubt a master church builder. However, Pastor Warren has deviated far a field from the message of Christianity that built Saddleback Church.
Pastor Warren now espouses an idea absolutely heretical to Christianity. Warren as reported in The Orange County [CA] Register and updated on March 2, 2012 has now embraced a radical movement known as “King’s Way.” No, not King as in Martin Luther, rather one that accepts Allah as the same as God. I remember distinctly, The Bible, The Christian Bible, states unequivocally in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 20 verses 1-17. God spoke to Moses and said, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.”
That to me is patently clear, unequivocal and to be obeyed. Pastor Warren, who must be quite charismatic, is leading his flock far a field. He is inviting the heretical infidels to act as wolves among the lambs.
Christianity and Judaism revere the same Supreme Deity by two different names, Yahweh or God. I have no intention of displaying my ignorance of the World’s numerous religions. I will note however that in my opinion, Pastor Warren is doing an unforgivable disservice to his congregation. As a professed Christian, he is honor bound to break ties with an organization intent on inserting themselves between God and those who choose to follow Him and Him alone.
A few thoughts on islam are in order. As a Christian, I cannot proffer an open hand or a capitalized reference to islam. Muhammad was born about 570 AD in Mecca, Arabia. His family was aristocratic and influential. Though orphaned at an early age, he was cared for by family members. He reportedly married a wealthy widow named Khadijah at around age 25. Various histories about Muhammad report that at around age 40 he began ‘claiming’ to be receiving dreams and revelations but had no idea from whom or where they came.
Reportedly Muhammad revealed these receptions to others who wrote them down. His wife convinced him these revelations were from God which Muslims believe today. However, other sources state that Muhammad, for whatever reasons absented himself from Mecca and took refuge in a cave. When he reappeared among family and acquaintances, Muhammad stated that while in the cave he had been approached by the Angel Gabriel, some say the Archangel Gabriel who announced to Mary of the impending birth of Jesus and to a kinswoman of Mary, Elizabeth he announced her carrying of John the Baptist.
Muhammad himself was unable to read or write. His revelations were written down by a scribe. No references seem to exist that claim Muhammad ever received a direct revelation from God or Allah as the Muslims call him. Though Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet, they do not recognize Him as the Son of God nor as a Deity. Muslims contend that Allah is the First and only deity, creator of all that exists. Muhammad had contact with both Israelites and Christians and their religious beliefs. He is said to have made prophecies, none of which came to fruition.
Muhammad’s history as an agitator, a bully and an exploiter is well-documented. The descendants of Muhammad claim to have been ordered to force non-Muslims to either accept Islam or face death by the sword. That is the course Islam has followed post Muhammad and to this very day, that is their creed; convert the unbelievers by force unless they accept Islam willingly and live the shariah governed life. Islam advances into and over non-Muslim lands much as grasshoppers or locusts do to green fields. They can be stopped by force only, they do not negotiate in good faith nor do they keep their word once given. The practice of deception is approved and is known in Islam as ‘Taqiyya.’
The choices with Muslims are few. Convert and live a second-class totally foreign lifestyle, or resist the jihadist Islamic armies and be tolerated, allowed to just exist in a situation known as dhimmitude. Those who desire to retain their own Jewish or Christian identity must resist and obliterate the Muslims.
So, there you have it Pastor Warren, you cannot allow the foxes into the henhouse. You are doing your flock a deadly disservice. Repent and recant and live in peace.