Mike Rhinehart Bio

Mike is a Tennessee native living in the Great Plains. He is a lifelong advocate for Liberty, an avid outdoorsman, a former professional dog trainer and field trial competitor, as well as a hunting guide and antique arms dealer. His years as a contractor took him to many parts of our country. He has served in various community roles, including advisory boards for urban revitalization and planning. Mike is an accomplished and disciplined student of history and embraces all things Americana.

Mike Rhinehart / July 16, 2024

My Alarm Clock Early Warning System

There is a folk theory that says if you actually hit the ground in your dream, it will kill you. What if there’s some truth to it?

Mike Rhinehart / July 2, 2024

On the Water

Never let escape the wonder and discovery of those perfect days of your youth.

Mike Rhinehart / June 11, 2024

Stream-of-Consciousness Traveling

“Life doesn’t happen along the Interstate. It is against the law.”

Mike Rhinehart / May 28, 2024

‘The Big 9’: The Questionable Renaming of Things

Why do we name streets and areas after people who had no significant connection to them?

Mike Rhinehart / April 2, 2024

Running From the Wilderness

Wilderness mountains and rivers have a permanence about them that comforts me.

Mike Rhinehart / March 26, 2024

A Revealing Walk in the Snow

Much can be learned about the nature of wildlife by their tracks in the snow.

Mike Rhinehart / March 19, 2024

The Greatest Generation and Skills Lost

Most Americans have lost the hardscrabble survival skills of those who came of age in the 1920s and 1930s.

Mike Rhinehart / March 12, 2024

On Being Lost

The times we have gone off trail and became “turned around a bit” have all been times of discovery.

Mike Rhinehart / March 5, 2024

Demise of the ‘Down and Out’ Motel

There are still a few around, but they’re increasingly hard to find.

Mike Rhinehart / February 13, 2024

My Dog’s Magical World

Dogs do talk; you just have to learn how to listen.

Mike Rhinehart / February 6, 2024

Being a Nemophilist

There exists today a general disconnect with nature.

Mike Rhinehart / January 30, 2024

In Search of Small Fish

We were laughing like two adolescent schoolboys who had just gotten away with an enormous prank.

Mike Rhinehart / January 23, 2024

A Boy Needs a Creek

How can you love something you don’t know?

Mike Rhinehart / January 16, 2024

A Walk on the Prairie

Our day ends as it has for decades at a location known to us simply as “Grandpa’s Place.”

Mike Rhinehart / January 9, 2024

Weather the Storm

The way of the bison is wise.

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