September 26, 2024

The Real Kamala Harris

There’s no evidence that Harris has, in fact, changed her mind, and a lot of evidence that she hasn’t.

It’s crazy for Donald Trump not to agree to another debate. While he may not be everybody’s cup of tea, his opponent is an absolute lunatic who could do permanent damage to our country, in addition to the damage that she’s already done.

The media sure aren’t going to alert the public to this looming danger. It’s up to Trump.

Among her other plans for us, Kamala Harris is for:

— Slavery reparations;

— Defunding the police;

— Taxpayer-supported transgender operations for prisoners and detained illegal immigrants;

— Paying bail funds for violent BLM rioters;

— Decriminalizing illegal immigration;

— Abolishing ICE, (or, as The Washington Post put it, “she signaled an openness to a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency”);

— Banning fracking, offshore drilling and gasoline-powered cars;

— Mandatory confiscation of “assault weapons”; and

— Abolishing private health insurance.

The media act as if she’s changed her mind on only one or two little things, like fracking — as opposed to on every single position she’s ever held — and proceed to coach her on how to explain these trivial reversals.

Here are a few ideas from The New York Times:

Todd Purdum: “One person’s flip-flop is another’s proof of a stateswoman’s maturation. Why not own it?”

James Carville: “The retort can be simple: I learned from my time governing in the White House. These are my positions. Take it or leave it.”

Frank Bruni: “We’re always learning and always growing, or at least we should be: That’s a sign of humility, curiosity, openness.”

Except the problem is, there’s no evidence that Harris has, in fact, changed her mind, and a lot of evidence that she hasn’t. For one thing, she has come out in favor of these policies repeatedly, recently and on tape. Worse, every chance she got, she actually implemented them.

Moreover, that’s a lot of positions to reverse. She’s not so much flip-flopping as completely abandoning her entire worldview. As Stalin is supposed to have said, “Quantity has a quality all its own.”

This column isn’t long enough to cover all of her (alleged) turnabouts, so I will only briefly cover her long-standing positions on law enforcement (hates ‘em!) and white Americans (honestly, not a big fan).

Harris has unfailingly, aggressively, in every possible way, opposed law enforcement, while supporting criminals and illegal aliens. At the least, this is an odd disposition for a “prosecutor” (as her fangirls boast), rather like an orthodox rabbi whose hobby is curing Virginia hams.

She is on tape comparing ICE agents to the Ku Klux Klan, and on other tapes saying she wants to abolish ICE. It’s hardly surprising, therefore, that as “Border Czar” she presided over the worst border crisis this country has ever seen. (The media once touted her as Biden’s “Border Czar,” but realizing that that sounded like calling Lizzo the “Intermittent Fasting Czar,” now they try to deny it.)

When Harris was San Francisco district attorney, she released Edwin Ramos, an illegal alien and known MS-13 gang member, over the angry objections of the police. Three months later, Ramos drove alongside a father and his two sons and opened fire into their car, killing all three. (Another “migrant” just trying to make a better life for himself and his family!)

As per usual, Harris refused to seek the death penalty against Ramos.

Another illegal alien sprung by Harris managed to go a full five months before killing an American, breaking the record previously held by Ramos. Roberto Galo, an “undocumented” immigrant from Honduras, took an illegal left turn, hit 25-year-old law student Drew Rosenberg on his motorcycle, then backed over him again.

Elevated to California’s attorney general, Harris wrote the wildly misleading titles and descriptions for the two pro-crime initiatives, Propositions 47 and 57, that put violent criminals back on the streets, where they run rampant today. Imagine that on a national scale and — presto! — suddenly you’re living in Haiti.

When the BLM riots were in full swing, she endorsed the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which was paying bail funds for BLM rioters, to get violent criminals out of jail and back to doing what they do best.

She openly cheered the BLM riots — on tape — enthusing to Stephen Colbert, “They’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they’re not going to let up — and they should not. And we should not.”

Harris has said time and again that she supports defunding the police — or “re-imagining public safety,” as she puts it.

The only guns Harris wants the government to forcibly confiscate are so-called “assault weapons,” which are predominantly owned by white men, who are “more likely to have higher incomes, to have served in the military and to be Republican” than other Americans, according to The Washington Post.

Meanwhile, gun homicides are overwhelmingly committed with illegally owned handguns. So she’s cool with drive-by shootings but will institute a government confiscation program to eradicate a hobby of rich white men.

Naturally, Harris totally believed Jussie Smollett’s hoax hate crime, which stirred up real hate toward white male Trump supporters. (They’re not hated enough, apparently.) His story about being attacked by two white men shouting, “This is MAGA country!” at 2 a.m. in Chicago in the middle of a polar vortex — because they recognized him from “Empire”! — was so preposterous that, in short order, Jussie was criminally prosecuted and his acting career “re-imagined.”

But Harris immediately believed Jussie, calling his invented hate crime a “modern-day lynching” and pushing through “anti-lynching” legislation. She’s never apologized.

She has enthusiastically said — again, on tape — that she supports convening a study on slavery reparations. What’s her position on reparations today? She refuses to say. The Post reports: “The Harris campaign did not respond to multiple requests for comment on her current position on reparations.”

Can the Post ask her for “her current position” on those KKK-ers at ICE, defunding the police, the destructive BLM riots, the pro-crime propositions she helped impose on the hapless citizens of California, confiscating AR-15s, Jussie Smollett, the homicidal illegals she released, the support she gave to bailing out BLM rioters, and on and on and on?

It’s not like she doesn’t have an answer. Her answer is, “I grew up in a middle-class household and in college, I worked at McDonald’s.”


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