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Publius / May 13, 2018

Video: Voters Celebrate Trump’s Foreign Policy

CNN is surprised to discover that many Trump voters actually still support the president.

Publius / May 12, 2018

Video: Medal of Honor Recipient Says Trump Is a Patriot

Sgt. Dakota Meyer discusses Trump’s patriotism as well as his efforts against ISIS.

Publius / May 11, 2018

Video: The Trump Economy

April 2018 was the best month in history in government income. Maybe Trump’s economics work.

Publius / May 10, 2018

Video: Betsy DeVos Responds to Her Critics

Public schools have stuck with the same education system we’ve had for more than a hundred years.

Publius / May 9, 2018

Video: Walt Disney: American Dreamer

Americans, unlike other people in other countries, don’t rely on the government to get things done.

Publius / May 8, 2018

Video: Things More Popular Than Nancy Pelosi

She promises to win and run for speaker, but that may only benefit Republicans.

Publius / May 7, 2018

Video: How Big Government-Backed Bad Science Made Americans Fat

When the U.S. adopted dietary guidelines in 1980, its wrong recommendations made us fatter.

Publius / May 6, 2018

Video: Kayne West, Racist — Wait … What?

Kanye West escaped the Democrats’ plantation and people are losing their minds, Bill Whittle says.

Publius / May 5, 2018

Video: Substantial Evidence Trump Won’t Testify to Mueller

Ken Blackwell and Hadley Heath-Manning on the Mueller investigation and Trump’s legal team.

Publius / May 4, 2018

Video: The University of Texas and Restrictive Masculinity

Chad Prather eviscerates a social justice program in academia and tells men to man up.

Publius / May 3, 2018

Video: Stossel on Socialist Propaganda

Venezuelans starve, but their government spends money on videos that blame capitalism.

Publius / May 2, 2018

Video: Control the Words, Control the Culture

The culture war is largely a war of words. Right now, the Left is winning.

Publius / May 1, 2018

Video: Fully Automatic Assault Van!

A man in Toronto drives a van into a crowd of people, killing 10. No one calls for banning vans.

Publius / April 30, 2018

Video: Mark Steyn Takes on the Kanye Twitter Kerfuffle

Mark Steyn talks with Tucker Carlson about “free-thinking” Kanye West’s open praise of Trump.

Publius / April 29, 2018

Video: Why I Won’t Call Myself A Feminist: It’s Hypocrisy

Allie Stuckey asks, “Why won’t I call myself a feminist? Because third-wave feminism isn’t progress.”

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