September 3, 2024

The New York Times Shreds the Constitution

Demos hope their dullard constituents are too ignorant to discern the difference between a democracy and a Republic.

As film aficionados will recall from the classic movie “Casablanca,” when the corrupt prefecture police captain Louis Renault “discovers” gambling in Rick’s Cafe Americain, Renault, who is the perennial beneficiary of that illegal enterprise, insists, “I’m shocked — SHOCKED — to find that gambling is going on in here!” A moment later, a croupier hands Renault a wad of cash, saying, “Your winnings, sir,” and Renault responds, “Oh, thank you very much.”

Well, I know you will be shocked — SHOCKED — to discover that the corrupt New York Times, the frontline for Leftmedia propaganda, has once again declared that our Constitution is dangerous. In fact, according to the paper’s leftist book critic, Jennifer Szalai, “One of the biggest threats to America’s politics might be the country’s founding document.”

Thanks to Elon Musk for alerting us to this one in a post in which he notes succinctly, “They want to overthrow The Constitution.” Indeed, they would like to discard it entirely, and Democrats in Congress and the executive branch have wantonly violated their oaths “to support and defend” our Constitution in pursuit of their statist power agendas.

As her layup, Szalai first regurgitates the Demos’ now reflexive attacks on the Constitution: “[Donald] Trump owes his political ascent to the Constitution, making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional.”

She continues in her review:

After all, Trump became president in 2016 after losing the popular vote but winning the Electoral College (Article II). He appointed three justices to the Supreme Court (Article III), two of whom were confirmed by senators representing just 44 percent of the population (Article I). Those three justices helped overturn Roe v. Wade, a reversal with which most Americans disagreed. The eminent legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky, worried about opinion polls showing “a dramatic loss of faith in democracy,” writes in his new book, “No Democracy Lasts Forever”: “It is important for Americans to see that these failures stem from the Constitution itself.”

Well, if Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the leftist UC Berkeley School of Law, were actually an honest “eminent legal scholar,” he would both acknowledge and articulate that we are NOT a democracy but a Republic.

Of course, ambitious Demos hope their dullard constituents are too ignorant to discern the difference between a democracy and a Republic, which is tantamount to the difference between tyranny and Liberty.

Our nation has never been a “democracy,” and from inception, our Constitution and the Republic it established are essential to sustain American Liberty and Rule of Law in opposition to the rise of statist tyrants and democratic rule of men.

That deliberate errancy is just an extension of the incessant and calculated claims by the Biden/Harris regime over the last three years that they must save our “democracy” from Trump. Fact is, the real threat to our Republic has been Biden and Harris, and now that the Demos punted Biden, Harris/Walz is the point regime for that threat.

To be clear about the Left’s deliberate “democracy” obfuscation, John Adams wrote of democracy in 1807: “No simple Form of Government, can possibly secure Men against the Violences of Power. … Democracy, will soon degenerate into an Anarchy.”

Moreover, as the author of our Constitution, James Madison, wrote in The Federalist Papers, the definitive exposition on our Constitution, that “democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” (Federalist No. 10, 1788)

Founder Fisher Ames wrote that same year, “The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty.”

Notably, Szalai’s article makes no mention of the word “Republic” because she is apparently too ignorant to make the distinction between a Republic and democracy. Perhaps she should try to find the word “democracy” in the text of our Constitution or its Bill of Rights. Spoiler alert: It’s not there.

That notwithstanding, Szalai claims, “Americans have long assumed that the Constitution could save us; a growing chorus now wonders whether we need to be saved from it.” Only the growing chorus of fools who ingest the leftist effluent flushed down their throats by leftist Demos and their Leftmedia publicists.

In closing, Szalai declared the real threat is a “white male” problem: “As Americans are taught in history class, the delegates drafted a new document establishing a national government consisting of three branches — legislative, judiciary and executive — each functioning as a check on the others. The delegates were all white, and they were all men.”

So that is the problem…

After the American Revolution, upon conclusion of the Federal Constitutional Convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” He replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Unfortunately, keeping it, as Franklin and our other Founders understood 237 years ago, is always in peril, given that the enemies of Liberty count on the political calculus that their constituents are too ignorant to discern the difference between a democracy and a Republic. And that is the real danger to Liberty.


Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

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