The Patriot Post® · About Those Trump and Harris National Security Endorsements

By Mark Alexander ·

“There is a rank due to the United States, among nations, which will be withheld, if not absolutely lost, by the reputation of weakness.” —George Washington (1793)

Over the last almost eight years, we have written about Donald Trump’s considerable and well-documented record of domestic and foreign policy successes. This record stands in stark contrast to the Biden/Harris regime’s abysmal record of domestic and foreign policy failures.

And again this week, Joe Biden declared that Kamala Harris was fully on board with his policies, saying, “She was a major player in everything we’ve done.”

With “friends” like Joe Biden…

Harris affirmed that assessment when asked this week if she would “have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years.” Harris replied, “There is not a thing that comes to mind in terms of, and I’ve been a part of, of, of most of the decisions that have had impact.”

Really, “not a thing”? This from the “change” candidate?

The Biden/Harris mounting record of failures is precisely why the Harris/Walz ticket has nothing else to run on other than vilifying their opponent as a “threat to democracy.”

Harris has established herself as a pathological liar, which is to say she tag teams well with Tim Walz, who, on top of his stolen valor record, also has a chronic problem with the truth.

In fact, this is precisely why, since Harris booted Biden to the curb, she has not held a press conference. Instead, she has been running a scripted campaign of deception, including mostly softball fan-base interviews.

Another way we determine the integrity of the Trump/Vance ticket versus the Harris/Walz ticket is to consider their endorsements. No, I am not talking about Elon Musk’s endorsement of Trump or Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Harris, though such endorsements do matter.

I am referring specifically to endorsements from military and national security officials and what those endorsements say about the respective candidates.

In September, Harris announced that a consortium of leftist deep state hacks issued an endorsement letter backing her. All you need to know about the integrity of that collective endorsement is that nine of the former top intelligence officials who signed on for Harris also signed the letter claiming, just weeks before the 2020 election, that Hunter Biden’s laptop was actually a “Russian disinformation” subterfuge.

That letter was used by Biden’s Leftmedia publicists as justification for the biggest pre-election media blackout in modern history. The purpose, of course, was to cover up the ChiCom and Ukrainian pay-to-play influence-peddling schemes involving the “Big Guy.” That subterfuge suppressed what would have otherwise been an election-altering “October Surprise.”

Ultimately, of course, it was determined that the laptop and the incriminating information on it did belong to Hunter, but not until the FBI had sat on the laptop for nearly a year.

As the Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy reported in August 2022, “The FBI slow-walked its investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop, including telling some bureau employees not to look at the hard drive belonging to President Joe Biden’s son, according to reported whistleblower disclosures made public by a top Senate Republican.” That senator is Wisconsin’s Ron Johnson, the ranking member of the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

Notably, the aforementioned deep state signatories and others also seeded the fake “Trump/Russia collusion” conspiracy.

The Harris endorsement letter is built on the same fake Biden/Harris/Walz claims about Trump being a threat to democracy. But what is abundantly clear from the hacks endorsing Harris is this: She and Walz are a perilous threat to both Liberty and national security.

Demonstrating her profound ineptitude, when asked this week to name the country she considers our greatest adversary, Harris responded: “I think there’s an obvious one in mind, which is Iran. Iran has American blood on their hands.”


That would be the same rogue Iranian regime that Barack Obama and Biden empowered with $400 million in palleted cash as part of their $1.7 billion nuclear appeasement (read: “nuclear empowerment”) plan. And the Biden/Harris regime has endeavored to reactivate the perilous Obama/Biden nuke deal. Helping Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of Islamic terrorism, produce nukes, what could go wrong?

Oh, and don’t forget the $6 billion ransom payment Biden/Harris paid to Iran a year ago. Moreover, in March of this year, just six weeks after the Iran-backed drone attack that killed three American soldiers, Biden and Harris approved additional Iranian access to more than $10 billion in previously frozen assets.

Of course, debating Trump, Biden falsely claimed no troops died on his watch, much as Harris falsely claimed we have no troops in combat zones.

To be clear, obviously, the correct answer to the question regarding our most dangerous adversary is Red China. And for Harris to call out Iran and mention “blood on their hands” is astounding, given this administration’s bloody record in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Israel. The slaughter of thousands of men, women, and children in those countries is on Harris’s hands.

But Harris keeps reminding everyone, “I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed.”

The implications for our national security are nothing short of catastrophic.

On the other end of the national security competence spectrum, this week more than 200 former high-ranking military officers joined hundreds of other former national security and foreign policy officials (and, notably, Gold Star families) in endorsing Donald Trump in a public letter.

The letter affirms: “From a world at peace under President Trump, we are closer to a third world war than ever before under the Biden-Harris Administration. With multiple escalating wars around the world, an open border that allows terrorists to flood into the American homeland, and malign actors like China operating unabated, U.S. national security has been profoundly damaged by the failed policies of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.”

The letter also included 40 former U.S. ambassadors and hundreds of officials from prior Republican administrations.

However, if you want to read the strongest and most reasoned condemnation of Harris and affirmation of Trump, see “An Election Open Letter to All Americans” from Gen. B.B. Bell, U.S. Army (Ret.). Bell, who is also a signer of the Trump endorsement letter, is a longtime member of The Patriot Post’s National Advisory Committee, and he served in uniform for almost four decades, including extended deployments overseas in both peace and war. He warned in summation, “For freedom’s sake, please reject this Marxist march to insanity and thus the destruction of these United States.”


For those contemplating casting a vote for the Harris/Walz ticket, as their body count mounts, this will be your last chance to wash the blood from your hands.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776


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