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April 1, 2020

COVID-19 Was Made in China — Send Xi the Bill

There is a clear and indisputable liability case to be made against China, which should include remuneration of the economic costs to our nation.

“Foreign influence is truly the Grecian horse to a republic. We cannot be too careful to exclude its influence.” —Alexander Hamilton (1793)

“I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. … This could be a hell of a bad two weeks.” —President Donald Trump in reference to the coming surge in testing and deaths resulting from COVID-19 disease

In 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump based his campaign on taking care of Americans first, and particularly on being less dependent on China and bringing our businesses home. As president, his actions to achieve those objectives with China have been much bolder than any president in history.

Given the current CV19 assault on our nation and the world, Trump’s efforts to unhitch America’s economy from China’s corrupt regime seem more prophetic by the minute.

People, we are in a “war,” as Trump has declared, and the first salvos were fired by our primary global adversary, communist China. That war is not only dangerous to the health of America and the world, but it is also having a significant impact on our national-security readiness — and I can assure you our adversaries, including China, are taking note.

As I’ve written previously, extricating ourselves and the economy that sustains us from the massive shutdown necessitated by the spread of this disease is going to be incredibly difficult and expensive, both in terms of human life and national treasure. Formulating and implementing an exit strategy will be the most difficult and complex policy decision by any president in decades, and I’m grateful that this unprecedented shutdown began during a record strong economy. Were it not, we’d be in a much worse place — as hard as that is to imagine.

But on the other side of the immediate crisis looms this fact: There is a clear and indisputable liability case to be made against China — one that should include remuneration of the economic costs to our nation and other penalties. I proposed that President Trump send communist dictator Xi Jinping the bill for the catastrophic damage caused by the CCP’s abject and willful negligence in allowing CV19 to carpet-bomb our nation and its people — and all those worldwide. (More on that below.)

For the record, that systemic institutional negligence began in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in November 2019 — though there were most certainly earlier cases of this virus.

For two months, under the direction of Xi Jinping, China actively concealed evidence of the emerging threat ahead of the pandemic, systematically covering up the viral outbreak in China, which resulted in the spread of CV19 here in the U.S.

China’s reports on CV19 deaths in Wuhan were, and remain, spurious, and the low fatality data being reported for Beijing, Shanghai, and other mass urban centers defies logic and strains credulity. Given the lethality of SARS-CoV-2, the death toll among Red China’s almost 1.4 billion people, most of whom are impoverished, is many times higher than the official data coming from Xi’s communist regime.

On 31 January — the same day President Trump issued his China travel ban (amid the objections of Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats) — we noted, “Officially, the communist Chinese government claims about 220 deaths and 10,000 infections. Our sources indicate that the actual rates of infection and deaths in China are much higher, and, in fact, official reports may only represent 5-7% of the actual dead and infected. The so-called ‘pop-up hospitals’ that were constructed across Hubei Province where the outbreak originated doubled as isolation morgues.”

For that reason, nobody should believe anything the communist Chinese regime is reporting through its puppet Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the UN’s World Health Organization, and mitigating actions should not rely to any degree on information provided by China or the WHO.

Despite the decisive actions taken by the United States since the WHO reported China’s initial disclosure of the virus on 31 December 2019, the Wuhan coronavirus was already in our country — and that is a key point.

How many deaths, both here and worldwide, could’ve been spared if China had simply been forthcoming instead of having deceived the world?

The most condemning evidence of China’s abject negligence is that pandemic researchers estimate that had Xi informed the world three weeks earlier than he did, that would have reduced the spread by 95%.

It is not inconceivable, in fact, likely that Xi viewed the CV19 epidemic in China as a fortuitous means of augmenting his central state population planning – a way to help dispense with the bubble of older Chines citizens who are creating a financial burden on the younger generation, the numbers of which have contracted due to China’s 1979 “one child” policy, which was enforced until China reverted back to its “two child policy” in 2015.

I’ve compiled more details about China’s disinformation and cover-up campaign, but suffice it to say that our sources in the intelligence community conclude that campaign is designed to help Xi’s communist politburo counter and deflect any claims by the U.S. that the SARS-CoV-2 release is associated with the regime’s deadly pathogen labs in Wuhan.

Notably, some of the earliest concerns about the release of this dangerous pathogen were raised in January by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), a U.S. Army veteran who made this connection between SARS-CoV-2 and the Wuhan Institute of Virology: “We know that just a few miles away from that food market [where the disease was first contracted] is China’s only biosafety level 4 super laboratory, which researches human infectious diseases.” Cotton added: “The Chinese Communist Party has once again been caught red-handed covering up, suppressing, and censoring a serious public health risk, which could increasingly be a global public health risk. For weeks, China did not come clean about the coronavirus that they first said was only being passed from animals to humans in a seafood market in Wuhan in China.”

To that end and for the record: The Wuhan market where CV19 was first contracted is near China’s only P4 (Pathogen Level 4) super laboratory. The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is engaged in research on the Ebola, Nipah, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses — and, yes, coronavirus variants. And the institute has clear ties to the communist regime’s bioweapons programs.

There is now sufficient evidence that the Chinese had isolated and researched SARS-CoV-2 virus, and that they knew the likely consequences if it were released.

National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien affirmed Cotton’s suppression assessment. “This outbreak in Wuhan was covered up,” said O'Brien. “There’s lots of open-source reporting from China, from Chinese nationals, that the doctors involved were either silenced or put in isolation … so that the word of this virus could not get out. It probably cost the world community two months [of prep time].”

According to O'Brien, “If we’d had those [two months] and been able to sequence the virus, and had the cooperation necessary from the Chinese — had a WHO team been on the ground, had a CDC team, which we’d offered, been on the ground — I think we could have dramatically curtailed what happened both in China and what’s now happening across the world. … We’ve sent our condolences to China, but now we’re in a place where we’re having to deal with the crisis here.”

This week, as the CV19 Task Force extended until 30 April its original 15-day mandate to slow the spread of the virus, Sen. Cotton reiterated: “The Chinese Communist Party is still lying today, as they were in December and January, and that’s why what could have been a local problem in Wuhan turned into a global pandemic. … As for what happened in that biosafety Level 4 laboratory, that super lab in Wuhan, we still don’t know because the Chinese CP refuses to come clean.”

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, stated succinctly, “This is one of the worst cover-ups in human history, and now the world is facing a global pandemic.”

President Trump has declared that the Chinese will be held accountable “when they lose things like the manufacturing capacity that we’ve outsourced to them or when other democratic governments around the world respond to their people who know that China is responsible for this virus.”

Such steps are long overdue, and the president deserves credit for his actions to this end, despite all the globalist political opposition. But there’s a more direct way to send China the bill.

As President Trump and Congress return to the deepening well of national debt to authorize the treasury to print trillions of dollars in relief payments to be mailed nationwide, recall that at the end of 2019, when China was still concealing the pandemic it seeded worldwide, it held $1.07 trillion in U.S. debt.

That’s almost 16% of the $6.7 trillion in treasury bills, notes, and bonds then held by other countries.

One way to seek some remuneration for China’s liability is to send Xi Jinping the bill for the catastrophic damage caused by China’s abject and willful negligence. President Trump should therefore construct a “default option” on debt held by China as a liability offset for the debt our nation is now incurring as a result of China’s willful and catastrophic deception. We should also seize Chinese assets in the U.S., including equity holdings in U.S. companies.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, then-candidate Trump said correctly: “The United States government [will] never have to default because you print the money. I hate to tell you. So there’s never a default.” Of course, printing money, which is exactly what we’re doing to help American wage-earners and businesses through the current government-induced partial economic shutdown, is inflationary.

Thus, in addition to seizing Chinese assets and equity holdings in the U.S., the president should offer Xi Jinping the option of forgiving the U.S. debt held by China. And when Xi balks, as he certainly will, I suggest President Trump authorize the U.S. Treasury to print $1.07 trillion in “trade dollar notes” as repayment for the debt currently held by China. Then Xi can keep those notes in reserve to use as toilet paper during the next pandemic.

Yes, I know this is the first day of April, sometimes known as April Fools’ Day, but I’m not foolin’. As our president has already declared, “China is responsible for this virus.” And one way or the other, China must pay.

And on a final note to bring this around to who we are…

“The battle in which we’re now engaged has inflicted many hardships on our nation and our families. … But through it all, the world has witnessed the unyielding resolve of our incredible American people. We are not only a country of vast resources; we’re a nation of colossal strength, towering spirit, soaring patriotism, and exceptional character. … We are one family, bound together by love and loyalty. … With the determination of the American people, and with the grace of God, we will win this war.” —President Trump


On 09 May, there were new revelations from Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service that Chinese officials demanded that WHO chief Tedros help deflect concerns about the risks CV19 disease. According to Der Spiegel, “The BND’s verdict is harsh: At least four, if not six, weeks have been lost in Beijing’s information policy in the fight against the virus.”

Recall that on 14 January, Tedros issued a statement that, “Preliminary investigations conducted by Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus.”

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK), who has now taken on the primary role of exposing Xi Jinping’s agenda to conceal the outbreak, said: “There’s no question that Xi Jinping and senior officials in the Chinese Communist Party were pressuring the WHO all the way back to December to undersell the risk of this virus. They knew in China early on, probably as early as the early days of December, and that this virus was both highly contagious in humans and very deadly for certain people. Yet they wanted to save face. In addition to saving face, they wanted once they realized this virus was going to cripple their own economy, that it did not remain limited to China.”

According to White House trade policy adviser Peter Navarro: “We know that patient zero in China was about mid-November, it was in Wuhan. We know that ground zero had the P4 weapons lab, where the virus likely came from. For the next two months, we know that China hid the virus from the world behind the shield of the World Health Organization.”

The evidence about Xi demands from Tedros are known to U.S. intelligence agencies but the administration is withholding release of that information because of pending trade negotiations between President Trump and Xi.

(Visit our comprehensive China Virus Pandemic response and recovery page, and see our related pages.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

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