Another Mass Murder by Bigot?
“We must stand up to bigotry and hate wherever they rear their ugly heads…”
A sociopathic assailant murdered 11 people and injured others in a Monterey Park, California, ballroom dance studio. The assault occurred during a Chinese New Year’s celebration.
Predictably, the two New York politicos who now control the Democrat Party rolled out boilerplate rhetoric about the assailant.
“We must stand up to bigotry and hate wherever they rear their ugly heads, and we must keep working to stop gun violence,” huffed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). “We must crush the rise of hatred and intolerance whenever and wherever it is found,” opined House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY).
California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared it was “a horrific and heartless act of gun violence.”
As it turns out, much to the disappointment of Schumer, Jeffries, Newsom and their Demo echo chamber, the assailant was not one of Joe Biden’s white supremacist bogeymen targeting people with Asian ancestry. Nor was he using one of those “assault rifles” Demos claim are at the center of the “gun problem,” though very few people are killed with rifles or shotguns annually.
In fact, he was neither white nor black — the latter racial group disproportionately responsible for violent assault and murder across the nation and violent interracial assaults, increasingly including crimes against people of Asian descent. Nor was he among the rising generation of young sociopathic mass murderers, the effluent of cultural devolution.
The assailant was 72-year-old Huu Can Tran, a Chinese immigrant and former truck driver. The assault was an apparent act of anger against his ex-wife. Huu attempted to assault another dance studio but was subdued by patrons and disarmed. After he fled the scene, Los Angeles police found his van, surrounded it, and Huu shot himself.
The style of semiautomatic “assault pistol” Huu used, a Cobray M11 9mm, was not legal in California, and the assault took place in a “gun-free zone,” as do almost all mass assaults. Apparently, gun laws did not deter this assailant, but they certainly did ensure his law-abiding victims could not defend themselves.
So, this assault will not be categorized as a “hate crime,” and the victims will be another stat in the surge of violence fomented by Joe Biden and his Demos. Biden has ordered flags to be flown at half-staff, using flags as political agenda rags to promote his anti-2A agenda. For the record, there were seven people murdered in Chicago the same weekend, but no Democrat leader knows their names.
The Left’s political agendas notwithstanding, let me say again that ALL murders are hate crimes. Every murder deprives a victim of his or her civil rights.
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776