Another Tale of Biden Family Privilege
Twenty-four years ago, Joe Biden’s brother Frank escaped accountability for a deadly car accident.
The more we learn about Joe Biden, the more embarrassed we should be as a nation to have elected him president. A fish rots from the head, as they say, and the Biden Crime Family is no exception.
First, we should acknowledge the defining tragedy of Joe Biden’s life: the death of his young wife, Neilia Hunter Biden, and their infant daughter, Naomi, on December 18, 1972, less than two months after he’d been elected to the U.S. Senate. They died when their station wagon collided with a hay truck while they were out shopping for Christmas presents. Biden’s two young sons, Hunter and Beau, were also in the car. They were badly injured and required extensive hospitalization.
As we noted three years ago during the run-up to the 2020 election, the police report made clear that the truck driver wasn’t at fault, and that Mrs. Biden “drove into the path” of the tractor-trailer. And yet despite this, Joe Biden for years kept telling a vicious lie that the truck driver “drank his lunch.”
Given this background, it would seem that Joe Biden, of all people, would be sensitive to the plight of a family that had been shattered by a fatal car accident. It would seem. But as Peter Schweizer wrote in his 2020 book Profiles in Corruption, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
As Schweizer reports, Joe’s younger brother Frank was living in San Diego and driving — on a suspended Florida license — a rented Jaguar XK8 sedan when, just after 11 p.m. on August 14, 1999, he and some friends decided to go to a concert at a nearby tavern. “According to court documents, he gave the keys to his young friend Jason Turton; three others piled into the backseat. Frank rode shotgun, handled the stick shift, and provided instructions as they cruised down the highway. … Soon they were humming 70 and 80 mph in a 35-mph zone” when they struck and killed Michael Albano, a 37-year-old single father who was crossing the street.
As Schweizer continues, “In depositions, two of the witnesses sitting in the backseat recall Frank Biden telling Turton to ‘keep driving’ after Albano hit the ground.” Apparently, Biden had even told the 25-year-old Turton to “punch it” shortly before they hit Albano. According to one of the passengers, “Everyone was drinking.”
Turton pleaded guilty to felony hit-and-run, while Biden, who was found partially legally responsible for Albano’s death, never acknowledged his liability. As Schweizer writes: “The guardians for Albano’s daughters sued Frank Biden in court in a ‘wrongful death’ civil lawsuit on August 14, 2000, but Frank never showed up at the courthouse. Nor did he reply to any of the legal correspondence from the court, including a court final judgment in September 2002 that Frank owed each of the girls $275,000 for his role in the tragedy.”
Being a Biden, it seems, and being the younger brother of a then-sitting U.S. senator, has its privileges. The Albano girls spent years trying to track down Frank Biden, even going so far as to hire a private investigator to serve him with documents — to little avail.
Ultimately, in September 2008, their attorney reached Senator Joe Biden, who himself was now Barack Obama’s running mate in a presidential election just weeks away. Joe Biden didn’t even reply. Instead, he had his chief of staff do so on official Senate stationery. Again, from Schweizer’s book:
Senator Biden has received your letter of September 16 regarding a judgment by your clients against his brother Frank. The Senator wishes to express his deep sympathy with the Albano daughters over their loss. … As you are aware, however, Frank has no assets with which to satisfy the judgment. The Senator regrets that this is where matters stand and that he cannot be more helpful.
In fairness to Joe Biden, back in 2008 he was still bragging about being “The Poorest Man in Congress” and had yet to crank up the influence-peddling operation with Hunter, and had yet to purchase that Delaware beach house for $3 million in cash.
Schweizer, though, thinks Biden was lying through his teeth about his brother having had no assets at the time.
Finally, though, as the UK’s Daily Mail reported on October 1, 2020, “Joe Biden’s brother will finally cough up some of the $1 million in compensation he owes the family of a young father killed in a horrific car crash more than 20 years ago.”
So what changed? Why did Frank Biden finally stop dodging creditors and come around in October 2020? It isn’t hard to figure out. His older brother was just a few weeks away from the 2020 presidential election, and he couldn’t have this scofflaw scandal hanging over his head or casting a bad light on his family’s, er, good name. “It’s no coincidence,” said a source close to the case.
These are not good people, these Bidens. They never have been. If only the mainstream media hadn’t been covering for them all these years.
- Tags:
- corruption
- Joe Biden