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December 14, 2023

Reader Comments

Observations on the week’s analysis and commentary.

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: Another Election-Denying Attack on the Electoral College

“Unbelievable! Only ignorance, a profound lack of reasoning skills, delusion, or cognitive dissonance can explain any person expecting democracy and diversity concurrently. A popular vote will make our election a mere popularity contest — like as frivolous as the high school class president election but with powerful consequences. It can turn our nation’s governance into a banana republic. It promotes mob rule, which can dictate and exacerbate divisions and factions. It prohibits respect for diversity. The insanity of abolishing the Electoral College can only be promulgated by enemies of individual freedom and self-determination. Hmm … that sounds like socialism to me.” —Missouri

“I’m not for changing the electoral system, but if changes were to be made, perhaps counting each congressional district’s Electoral College vote separately rather than tallying each state’s totals would be the fairest. States like Oregon largely vote one way by district, yet the heavy concentration of opposite votes in a small heavily populated area essentially cancels the voice of the rest of the state. I’m sure southern New Hampshire accounts for the majority of the blue votes of the beautiful state that is still red in the northern two-thirds of it.” —Maine

“The Washington Post’s attacks on the Electoral College demonstrate the progressive Left’s profound ignorance that the U.S. was founded as a democratic republic and not a democracy. Our nation’s schools once concentrated on educating all citizens regarding this nuance in school curriculum at all levels. That this tends to no longer be the case attests to the progressive Left’s growing influence and power to fundamentally transform our nation in accord with their devious agenda. Should they prevail in eliminating the Electoral College, democracy will indeed ‘Die in Darkness’ much sooner than later.” —Florida

Re: About That ‘Record Number of Mass Shootings’

“Another demented nut job kills people and his gun gets blamed. I notice he was overweight, but I guess his spoon and fork are to blame.” –Minnesota

“Between Oct. 20, 2020 (Sgt Harold L. Preston, Houston PD) to Nov. 30, 2023 (Trooper Alberto Felix, Nevada State Highway Patrol) 303 Law Enforcement Officers have been killed in line of duty. I thanks Patriot Post for your End of Watch tributes to every officer. Biden and his cop-hating leftists in statehouses across the nation pay NO attention to these deaths.” –California

“The blood of tens of thousands of murdered Americans is on Joe Biden’s hands – meanwhile he is focused on less then one percent of that total, who have been murdered in "mass shootings” in the last year. But if the ends justify the means…“ –Connecticut

"Biden says, ‘Republican lawmakers must join with Democrats in Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, pass a national red flag law, enact universal background checks, require the safe storage of guns, and advance other commonsense measures that will help stem the tide of gun violence.’ None of these measures would have prevented a single ‘mass shooting’ this year, or any of the 25,000 other murders. BTW, regarding universal background checks required to buy a gun, if you lie on the form like Hunter Biden, you can still get the gun.” –New Hampshire

“Wannabe tyrants can’t abide an armed populace. As simple as that. They will lie, twist, spin, dramatize any and all incidences to achieve their goal of complete rule and subjugation of the people. It’s happened all through history in other nations….but we still have what’s left of a Constitution … and the budding tyrants must at all costs disarm citizens and eliminate our Constitution and Bill of Rights.” –Colorado

Re: What the Heck Happened to Georgia?

“As a Republican voter in Georgia, I can state on behalf of myself and others I’ve spoken to that we will vote for the GOP candidate in 2024, but President Trump hurt himself badly in our last state elections when he a) touted Stacey Abrams as a better governor candidate than Brian Kemp and b) pushed Senator David Purdue to run against Brian Kemp. I don’t need to waste space describing how bad a candidate Stacey Abrams was. The appearance of a dysfunctional GOP in Georgia has a picture of President Trump next to it. He caused it and he owns it. Our state party is NOT the problem. If he’s serious about being our president again, it wouldn’t hurt him to publicly apologize to our governor and the Republican voters here.” —Georgia

Re: Big Oil and COP28 Climate Cultists

“Farmers stopped using windmills when electricity became reliable. Why is that so hard to comprehend for the climate alarmists? What I also find fascinating is the complete lack of conversations about the impact that windmills have on the bird population. I would suggest that the climate alarmists be more solution-oriented rather than Chicken Little. Wouldn’t it be helpful to talk about and measure the effects of the gases and chemicals emitted from volcanoes and earthquakes? We humans will never be able to counterbalance the effects of volcanoes and earthquakes, no matter what we do. When the climate alarmists stop using all their electrical devices and private jets, I will consider reducing my carbon footprint. But not until then.” —Wisconsin

“The truth about toxicity and life expectancy of wind and solar are never mentioned. They go into landfills and landfills won’t take EV batteries. Congress never worries because it pays for nothing or gets rich using insider trading info.” —Minnesota

“The only thing that will come out of these COP extravaganzas is a lot more CO2 in the atmosphere from all those private jets the hypocrites are using. It’s about far more than the Saudis and other major oil producers objecting. The BRIC nations have no intention of going down this sunshine-and-unicorns road. Quite the opposite, in fact. China, India, Russia, and many African nations are all in on fossil fuels with some nuclear. The COP fools can’t ‘save the planet,’ nor do they need to do so. Any warming effects of CO2 tapers off as levels increase. All they’ll accomplish is the bankrupting of Western civilization.” —Washington

Re: Harvard Circles the Wagons

“Perhaps more pertinent than the testimony of the three university presidents is that they came to the hearing with no preparation, no anticipation of the questions that would almost certainly be asked. This could never happen in any other venue, but it does show an utter contempt for the institution conducting the event, and even more so contempt for the persons who comprise the population that pays the bills. These three showed up as smug elitists, planning to ‘wing it’ with today’s long-exhausted platitudes and bromides.” —Texas

Re: A Reckoning for Campus Jew Hatred

“We are in the midst of a 21st-century version of the 1930s. The best and brightest lauded Hitler for reviving the German economy, while Churchill warned in the wilderness about Mein Kampf. Here we are now, with our intelligentsia willfully ignoring the Hama charter, the PLO charter, and the rantings of Iranian mullahs about extermination of an entire population. Is there a difference? Yes — the Muslims haven’t created a prosperous economy … they just want to destroy one. The U.S. has to join Israel in warning that military action is coming against Iran when the latter gets close to having the atomic bomb. Unfortunately, our feckless president is not up to the task.” —California

Re: ‘Make a Run for the Border

“Why can’t the Republicans in Congress do something about this border fiasco? The president and the Democrats are blatantly refusing to enforce immigration laws. They are allowing lawbreakers by the hordes to enter illegally. Can’t some charges be brought against the Dems for this in-your-face refusal to enforce the law?” —Pennsylvania

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