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December 15, 2023

Taylor Swift’s Democrat Values

Leftists canonize another wealthy entertainer.

As if we needed more evidence of the slide of values and morals, as reflected by our cultural icons, Time magazine decided to drive the point home in selecting Taylor Swift as the 2023 Person of the Year.

According to Time, this kind of recognition is accomplished through the “editor’s assessment of the individual who most shaped the headlines over the previous 12 months, for better or for worse.” Well, Swift has certainly become a mass media darling, “for better or worse.”

While “Swifties” are cheering this as a win for women, music, and entertainment, what this accolade really demonstrates is where our cultural values lie, and what we deem worthy of praise and honor.

Swift is a 34-year-old woman who is known for jumping from relationship to relationship, and then airing out her drama in a way that invites the public to wallow with her and blame others for her misfortune. What would you expect from a celebrity who in 2020 endorsed Joe Biden as her man?

Whether intentionally or not, she also perpetuates the idea to her millions of primarily young female fans that money and possessions are all you really need to be happy.

She models immaturity and has never really seemed to evolve from the teenage singer we were all introduced to almost 20 years ago.

In today’s society, young adults are increasingly averse to creating families of their own, and they seem to feel that traveling and being able to buy things are an adequate replacement for raising children and building a home when it comes to living a fulfilling life. It’s no wonder that a wealthy woman in her mid-30s, whose most meaningful relationship thus far has been with her cat, would be praised as a symbol of modern ideals.

As the Left heavily rejects anything of true meaning, including the value of home and family, it’s equally unsurprising that the Pennsylvania House spent time, energy, and taxpayer dollars to pass a resolution declaring 2023 as the Taylor Swift Era. Recognizing the many talents of the state’s native entertainer, these representatives applauded Swift for being a “role model of courage, self-acceptance and self-determination,” and they extended their gratitude for her influence on “the largest demographic of people eligible to vote,” as the “18- to 24-year-old demographic listens to her and does what she says.”

A party claiming to be in touch with the working class still chooses to promote an individual whose net worth is over a billion dollars and who does not have to deal with the consequences of the Democrat laws that have fueled a skyrocketing cost of living for everyday people, or that force working families to deal with the impact of legislation that allows crime to run rampant in their cities and communities.

During the Pennsylvania hearing, where the entirely bizarre discussion regarding this resolution took place, Representative Wendy Fink criticized the fact that time was being spent on such frivolous matters, encouraging her colleagues to “get back to actually governing.” In response, Democrat House Speaker Joanna McClinton attempted wit by quoting lyrics from a Taylor Swift song: “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate…”

Because the only possible basis for opposing an official resolution that idolizes a pop star in an official government meeting is hate.

Yes, most of us are tired of seeing the endless headlines surrounding the Grammy Award-winning artist, and her string of short-lived relationships with different men, and her interest-of-the-week that depends on who she is spending her time with.

However, the fact that she has been elevated to a level of being almost a figure of worship is concerning.

As the Pennsylvania resolution reads, Swift has “transcended the role of a pop star.” That seems to indicate a Democrat desire for their base to pursue a life centered on consumerism, implying that there is no regret in remaining childless and alone.

This is not about recognizing our unlimited potential simply by living in America. This is about a continued effort to keep the future voting base uninformed by pointing them in the direction of someone who is disconnected from the real world, with no concept of the issues that matter to everyday people.

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