Samantha Koch Bio

I ran for State House District 1 in Denver, Colorado, in 2020. Ever since that campaign, I have become more aware of how important it is to be informed about what is going on in government and to speak up honestly. I am married and have three children. I want to add my voice to those who are not afraid of the mob, and hopefully inspire others to do the same. I also run a YouTube channel. You can follow Outspoken Samantha on Facebook and Twitter.

Samantha Koch / July 25, 2024

Yes, End the Department of Education

The hard-left, union-owned, Carter-era incarnation has engineered a disastrous dumbing down of our nation’s children.

Samantha Koch / July 18, 2024

Why Is the Predator Teacher Problem Being Ignored?

It seems that an increasing number of educators are abusing kids and destroying trust.

Samantha Koch / July 11, 2024

Education as We Knew It Is Gone

Reversing course may no longer be an option, and the solution might require drastic changes to the entire system.

Samantha Koch / June 27, 2024

Obesity Is a Big Problem

A new report from House Republicans says obesity will cost us up to $9.1 trillion in medical costs over the next decade.

Samantha Koch / June 20, 2024

How Do We Measure the Harm of Social Media?

Conflicting opinions aren’t helping parents manage their children’s access to a world of potentially harmful apps.

Samantha Koch / June 14, 2024

Beauty Pageant Mayhem

Two recent pageant stories provide a window into the corruption of our modern culture.

Samantha Koch / June 6, 2024

Confusing Adoption With the Gender Agenda

The Biden administration is doing everything it can to obstruct foster care and adoption by good, caring Christian families.

Samantha Koch / May 30, 2024

Make Kitchens Great Again

Immeasurable physical and mental health benefits come from spending time in the kitchen with loved ones.

Samantha Koch / May 23, 2024

Bizarre Campus Interviews Weaken Trans Alliances

It’s remarkable just what folks will say in order to avoid the wrath of a certain aggrieved group.

Samantha Koch / May 16, 2024

The Rainbow Mafia’s Foolish Alliance

It’s a clash of the causes as the FBI warns of possible terrorist attacks during Pride Month.

Samantha Koch / May 9, 2024

Viral Debate Exposes Women’s Toxic Beliefs

When women were asked whether they’d rather be stuck in the woods with a bear or a man, they revealed something about themselves.

Samantha Koch / May 2, 2024

America’s Historically Low Birthrate Is a Problem

But it’s not insurmountable, so long as we extol the virtues and benefits of family.

Samantha Koch / April 25, 2024

We’re All Retail Thieves Now

The theft rings plaguing our big cities are being aided in their illegality by some unwitting accomplices.

Samantha Koch / April 18, 2024

Can Republicans Win Women Over?

If conservatives can change the narrative on the word “choice,” we have a chance to move this vital voting bloc.

Samantha Koch / April 11, 2024

Are Women Trying to Be Miserable?

Inundated with false promises of fulfillment from the Left, women are also being told by the popular culture that church isn’t for them.

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