May 28, 2024

Democrats Still Cynically Use George Floyd

A criminal died of a drug overdose while resisting arrest, and he’s a permanent “hero” to the Left.

On May 25, 2020, a black thug named George Floyd died under the knee of now-former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin. Though Floyd actually died of the lethal combination of fentanyl and meth in his system, exacerbated by being physically pinned to the ground after resisting arrest for another crime, Chauvin was convicted of murder for using the subduing technique police were often taught. The Black Lives Matter rioters didn’t wait for the truth, though — they just burned American cities, looted businesses, and killed dozens of people (mostly blacks) in the summer of chaos that followed.

Democrats pandered to the rioters from the get-go, even mistakenly donning slave-trader garb to somehow show solidarity. Minnesota, the epicenter of destruction and violence, proclaimed May 25 as the annual “George Floyd Remembrance Day.”

During the 2020 pandemic, when the rest of us couldn’t gather for the funerals of loved ones, Floyd’s funeral was turned into a national spectacle and humiliation ritual for “guilty” whites. Leftmedia outlets like The Washington Post and NBC News treat us to annual “news” stories flogging the nation for failing to bring about racial justice.

Always subservient to the radical Left, Joe Biden is also still at it, issuing a statement on the fourth anniversary of Floyd’s death. His handlers also posted numerous tributes like this one on social media: “He changed the world. Now, let’s act in his memory.”

Biden did not issue a statement about Laken Riley’s murder, however. Nor did his handlers say anything about her on social media. The only time Biden mentioned her at all was when cat-called into doing so in his State of the Union, and even then he mispronounced her name.

Floyd’s death fits the Democrat Narrative™. Riley’s does not. Nonetheless, both Floyd’s and Riley’s deaths are an indictment of Democrats.

The party of slavery and Jim Crow has kept blacks trapped in poverty in Democrat-controlled cities and, in exchange for handouts, ensured they remain a loyal voting base. Democrat union-run schools fail to educate inner-city kids. Democrats subsidizing illegitimate childbirth in these cities has left generations of blacks growing up in fatherless homes, leading to drug abuse, gang activity, and shameful rates of violence and murder.

All Democrats offer in return is more handouts, more race-baiting, and no actual help.

Yet Democrats have thoroughly convinced blacks that “systemic racism” is keeping them down and that blacks will never succeed without Democrats.

Who are the racists again?

As for Riley, she was killed by an illegal alien who was allowed to enter and released by players in a justice system unwilling to pursue justice.

On immigration policy, Biden and his fellow Democrats have done a 180 over the last 15-20 years. When illegal border crossings began surging during George W. Bush’s administration, Democrats demanded stronger enforcement, including deportation and a border wall.

Now, they say such things are evidence of Republicans’ bigotry and racism. Biden has presided over an open border that roughly 10 million people have illegally crossed. Every one of them has committed a crime by virtue of crossing in the first place. Many more commit further crimes once here, and that’s if they’re not taking jobs, housing, and other resources from Americans — often blacks.

Democrats are building a coalition of black and brown voters who hold grudges against white voters, all while Biden had the gall to make his Inaugural Address about “unity.” The common thread is the Marxist theory of oppressor and oppressed. According to this line of thinking (critical race theory), whites hold power and are, therefore, the oppressors. Minorities have been subjected to systemic abuse and oppression and are, therefore, entitled to … well, whatever is faddish at the time. Think reparations. That’s the same reason Hamas is “justified” in attacking Israel. A black man dying under the knee of a white man is the perfect metaphor for the Marxists.

While Democrats divide us based on race and Marxist theory, justice is turned on its head, we’re all poorer for it, and too many innocent people lose their lives. Maybe it’s time to do things differently.

Follow Nate Jackson on X/Twitter.

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