Biden’s Ill-Conceived Support of Iran
Joe Biden has been dead wrong on foreign policy for his entire political career, and it’s causing conflict all over the globe.
Iran is the biggest troublemaker in the Middle East. It is ruled by a theocratic autocracy that follows the strict dictates of Shia Islam. The oppressive regime murders women for wearing their hijabs incorrectly and commits other horrors. Iran is the head of the octopus whose terror tentacles gleefully destabilize neighboring countries.
Iran has gained more power and influence under the presidencies of Barack Obama and now Joe Biden. The so-called “Iran nuclear deal,” known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was the brainchild of Obama. Made in 2015, it was a spectacular failure then, and the Trump administration wisely pulled out of the deal. However, Biden’s pet project has been to resurrect that deal and help Iran.
Recently, Iran has been stockpiling weapons-grade uranium in violation of international law. According to The Daily Wire, “The country has increased its stockpile of 60% enriched uranium from 121.5 kilograms to 142.1 kilograms in just the last few months.” This information was gathered from a report submitted by the watchdog group International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
How has Iran been able to do that? Perhaps that $6 billion in seized Iranian assets that Biden so foolishly unfroze is partially responsible.
Why would Iran want to increase its uranium at such a clip? One can only assume that it intends to finish what it started and make nuclear weapons — and the mullahs are certainly crazy enough to use it. Iran has enough nuclear material right now to produce at least four weapons and enough to eventually make 13. As our Mark Alexander noted back in 2015, “Islamists may soon have fissile material from Iran to wage surrogate Jihad against the U.S.”
Those prophetic words may be coming to fruition, though perhaps Israel is the intended first target. The Israel Defense Forces are working toward eliminating Hamas, which is an Iranian-backed terrorist group. Israel’s task has been clear since Hamas’s murderous attack on October 7. However, the U.S., through Biden’s weak leadership, has been a mess of mixed messages and is currently an unreliable ally to Israel.
Biden’s latest example of weakness occurred on the heels of the IAEA report regarding Iran’s illegal amassing of uranium. In yet another blunder, Biden is urging America’s European allies to back off from censuring Iran for breaking international law.
According to The Wall Street Journal: “The U.S. is arguing against an effort by Britain and France to censure Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s member-state board in early June… The U.S. has pressed a number of other countries to abstain in a censure vote, saying that is what Washington will do. … European diplomats have warned that failure to take action would undermine the authority of the IAEA, which polices nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. They say it also weakens the credibility of Western pressure on Iran. And they are frustrated over what they see as U.S. efforts to undermine their approach.”
This is the exact wrong approach to take if Biden is doing this to avoid increased tensions before the November election. Untelegraphed deterrence would be a better way to get Iran back in line — or, better yet, destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities.
However, Biden is incapable of doing that. He has already been the cause of conflagration after conflagration during his presidency (See Afghanistan and Ukraine.) Iran doesn’t respect him or the West. Iran only respects strength, and that is something that this president utterly lacks.
As the Journal’s editorial board put it: “Iran’s regime is richer than it was when Mr. Biden took office and stopped enforcing sanctions; more aggressive than it was as Mr. Biden has failed to respond to its terrorism; and much closer to having a nuclear weapon. It’s hard to imagine a more complete policy failure.”
Biden’s weakness is making the world a significantly less safe place because two countries are watching and acting with far greater capability: Russia and China.