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July 3, 2024

In Brief: American Voters Rightly Feel They’ve Been Lied To

Had Democrats and the media been honest about how obvious Biden’s condition was a year ago, they might have a winning candidate now.

On November 3, 2020, our Douglas Andrews wrote this: Joe Biden Is Unfit for the Presidency. For years, the Leftmedia worked on behalf of Democrats to cover up that truth, most recently with the “cheap fakes” fiasco. When millions of Americans saw Biden’s debate implosion, however, the mask came off. And millions of Americans are ticked. Mark Hemingway gives them voice:

The only reason anyone ever believed Biden was up to the job is that they were lied to, even though most Americans have always understood Biden has been exhibiting signs of dementia before he ever became president. At this point, it’s impossible to deny that Democrats and their media allies have betrayed and endangered America by spending the last few years lying to us about Biden’s age-related mental competency.

Hemingway continues:

Yet the media narrative that has been landed on following the debate, which is more a matter of consolation than accuracy, is that while Biden appeared frail and incompetent, his character still shined through standing next to a serial liar like Donald Trump who lied throughout the debate. Oh and did we mention Donald Trump is a lying liar? He lies, you know.

One need not defend Trump’s aggrandizing rhetoric and personal peccadillos to acknowledge that it’s not obvious to most voters that Biden is the better or more honest person. Indeed, Biden’s own lies, immoral behavior, embrace of racists, and foreign corruption with his felonious, sex-trafficker of a son are plenty egregious even by Washington standards.

But for those who insist Biden is objectively more honest, particularly those in the media, here’s a question they should be forced to answer: What lie did Trump tell in Thursday’s debate more damnable than Biden’s claim that he’s “the only president this century” that did not have any troops “dying anywhere in the world”?

Just a few months ago, Biden’s State of the Union address was interrupted by the screaming of the anguished father of one of the 13 service members who were killed in Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Yet this prostest barely registered in the media, when we all know such a heartrending display would be used as a cudgel against any Republican. And that’s wholly aside from the fact that there’s a merit to the argument that the reckless nature of the Afghanistan withdrawal means Biden bears real responsibility for their deaths.

Of course, don’t expect anyone to acknowledge the real problem here. It’s not just that voters are upset about Biden’s debate performance or are rightfully concerned the nation is in peril under his addled leadership. It’s that they feel lied to.

He notes the aforementioned “cheap fakes” gaslighting and other things before observing a critical point:

It’s not just that the debate made it impossible to deny Biden’s cognitive decline, it’s that the media’s desperation to defend him is also laying bare the total moral and ethical collapse of journalism.

He concludes:

It didn’t have to be this way. All Democrat leaders and the media had to do was not be so craven in their desire to cling to power. In fact, had they been honest about how obvious Biden’s condition was a year ago, they might have a candidate who is winning the election.

Instead, they sowed distrust with citizens, empowered enemies who are taking advantage of an enfeebled leader, and brought the country to the brink of domestic turmoil. And still, they have no intention of accepting responsibility for what they’ve done.

They’re not actually upset to have just discovered the man in charge of our nuclear weapons is senile — they’re upset they can’t continue to hide this fact from you any longer.

Read the whole thing here.

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