August 29, 2024

Now She Tells Us: Pelosi Admits Fault for J6

In a never-before-seen series of brief video clips taken by her filmmaker daughter, Nancy Pelosi finally comes clean.

There’s an interesting anomaly in the massive HarperCollins paperback copy of Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 Report: In the Table of Contents, it lists Appendix 2, page 724, as the place to go for a detailed account of “DC National Guard Preparation for and Response to January 6th.”

The trouble is, the book is only 694 pages long.

So page 724 doesn’t exist. Instead, in order to view Appendix 2 and get the scoop on the National Guard’s involvement in the events leading up to and during January 6, I’m told to “visit”

Go ahead. Knock yourself out.

I mention this because a series of new videos have surfaced of Nancy Pelosi and a small entourage scurrying down the halls of the Capitol building as she’s being evacuated on January 6, then ranting to her staff as she’s being driven away from the Capitol in a car. The videos were shot by her filmmaker daughter, Alexandra, for use in an HBO movie, and they were made public Wednesday by the Republican-led House Committee on Administration after having been coughed up by HBO.

In the videos, Pelosi repeatedly expresses her regret that the National Guard hadn’t been called in and pre-positioned to protect the Capitol ahead of that day’s congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election results.

In one 28-second clip, Pelosi laments, “How many times did members ask, ‘Are we prepared? Are we prepared?’ We’re not prepared for the worst. We’re calling the National Guard now? They should have been here to start out.”

In another clip of 41 seconds, Pelosi tells her chief of staff, Terri McCullough, as they’re driving away from the Capitol: “We have responsibility, Terri. We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. This is ridiculous. You’re gonna ask me, in the middle of the thing, when they’ve already breached the, the, the inaugural stuff, uh, ‘Should we call the Capitol Police?’ I mean the National Guard. Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?”

Good question, Nancy.

In another clip, Pelosi admits: “We have totally failed.”

And in yet another, this: “Oh my God, I cannot believe the stupidity of this. And I take the full responsibility.”

It’s quite a series of confessions from Pelosi, especially given that then-President Donald Trump had previously approved the deployment of 10,000 National Guardsmen to protect the Capitol that day, only to have that show of force declined by Pelosi and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser. And especially given that in the aftermath of J6, Pelosi and her Democrat colleagues blamed everyone but themselves. Indeed, one of Pelosi’s fall guys, former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, posted this in response: “Pelosi was surprised we didn’t have National Guard on Jan 6?? I was denied National Guard support multiple times before January 6, and repeatedly for 71 minutes ON January 6. MY STORY HASN’T CHANGED!”

Last August, I wrote about the Democrats’ efforts to destroy evidence about January 6 prior to the GOP’s takeover of the House and its committee assignments. In that piece, I also noted an interview between Sund and Tucker Carlson:

Among the key takeaways from the interview are that the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI hid intelligence from the Capitol Police, leaving them with virtually no sense of what was coming that day. “I’ve done many national security events and this was handled differently,” said Sund. “No intelligence, … no coordination, no discussion in advance.” Why might that have been? What possible motive might the FBI have had for failing to share such intel with the people most responsible for securing the Capitol? Might it be because such a show of force might’ve ended the riot before it began?

Sund also confirmed to Carlson that he was twice refused the preemptive National Guard presence that he’d requested in the days prior to January 6. “I was denied twice,” said Sund, “because of optics and because the intelligence didn’t support us. I was denied by Paul Irving, House sergeant-at-arms, and also Mike Stenger, Senate sergeant-at-arms.” Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell: looking at you.

And, as Politico now reports: “Though clips of the speaker’s conversations that day were shown as part of the previous panel’s work, and in a separate documentary by Alexandra Pelosi, much of what was handed over recently to a House Administration subcommittee has never been released. HBO didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.”

Silly Americans. You thought the J6 Committee was engaged in a search for the truth. No wonder Pelosi didn’t want Sund to testify at the J6 hearings.

“The times have found us,” Nancy Pelosi blurted to a credulous Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC during last week’s Democratic [sic] National Convention. In doing so, she called the “threat to our democracy” posed by Donald Trump “of a kind we have not seen” since the war for independence in 1776 and then during the Civil War.

In the wake of these new videos, the times have finally “found” Nancy Pelosi.

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