September 30, 2024

Funding Climate Alarmism Propaganda

Bill Gates and other rich leftists are funding a plan to turn journalists into propagandists of global doom.

With the dire predictions of the climate-change alarmists repeatedly failing to materialize, one would think that the media outlets would stop reporting such claims as if they were “scientific fact.”

One would think. Yet, as with so much of the climate alarmist industry, it’s all about the money. And since many of the leading climate cultists are also among the wealthiest folks on the planet, much of the mainstream media continues to pump out the propaganda.

Folks still aren’t buying the narrative, though, so these billionaire activists are doubling down. Last year, two of the leading climate cult groups, Solutions Journalism Network and Covering Climate Now, sponsored the creation of the Climate Blueprint for Media Transformation.

The Solutions Journalism Network is funded by the likes of the for-profit Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Hewlett Foundation. These organizations are pumping their vast wealth to promote their climate change alarmism.

So, what is the Climate Blueprint? In a nutshell, it’s a 14-part guide that aims to turn journalists into climate activists by coaching them on how to cover climate change. The Blueprint’s opening section, “The Everything Story,” calls on journalists to inject the climate alarmist narrative into everything they cover. From sports to economics to crime, climate change must be a front-and-center component.

(Maybe you’re thinking, It’s not already?)

Covering Climate Now cofounder Kyle Pope claimed that climate change had only “very recently” begun to be covered, and he called on journalists to change this and “tell the most important story on Earth.” One of the Blueprint’s editors, Prachi Singh, said that “reporters need to shift from chasing deadlines to meaningfully connecting” with “women, people of color, Indigenous peoples, the LGBTQIA+ community” to drive home the outsized negative impact of the “climate crisis” on these minority groups.

In another section of the guide, investigative journalist Amy Westervelt calls on reporters to demonize the fossil fuel industry, identify universities that receive funding from the fossil fuel industry, and find “one professor who doesn’t particularly like the arrangement” at the school and urge them to criticize the school over this.

Another section focuses on how journalists use language and directs them not to negatively reference climate activists. For example, journalist Jennifer Oldham states, “Be intentional with your language. Do you call an event a ‘demonstration; or a 'riot’? Words matter. Calling an encounter a ‘violent clash with police’ criminalizes demonstrators without offering a comparable criticism of law enforcement’s actions.” That was a lesson the Left put to use during the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020.

Notice that none of this actually deals with scientific accuracy and truth-seeking. This is why we refer to these climate alarmists as cultists. This is a religion to them. They believe every negative thing in the world is caused by climate change, which, in turn, is caused by humans — irrespective of the actual science that calls into question their dogma. They are not interested in debating the issue or finding viable solutions; rather, it’s all about pushing the propaganda of climate alarmism and the “solutions” of big government control.

Ultimately, for these billionaire activists, it’s about exerting greater control over society.

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