Right Analysis   /   Climate Change
Political Editors / July 26, 2024

In Brief: Breaking Wind

The disintegration of the turbine blade and resultant pollution that forced the closure of Nantucket’s beaches should scuttle the offshore wind scam. But it’s only the tip of Big Wind’s problems.

Thomas Gallatin / July 15, 2024

The Great Cow Flatulence Alarmism Shakedown

In the name of fighting climate change, Denmark has become the first nation to impose a carbon tax on farm livestock.

Stephen Moore / July 2, 2024

Save the Cows

If you are wondering why cows are suddenly supervillains, you aren’t paying attention to the extremists running the environmental movement.

The Washington Stand / June 25, 2024

Eco-Extremists Choose Bizarre Targets

Make no mistake: Destruction is exactly what these climate radicals are creating.

Thomas Gallatin / June 19, 2024

Who Made EVs a Political Issue?

The Washington Post seeks to blame Donald Trump and Republicans for having politicized EVs when it was Joe Biden who did so with his de facto EV mandate.

Brian Mark Weber / May 31, 2024

The Struggles of Pothole Pete

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg keeps crying “Wolf!” about climate change, but folks aren’t listening.

John Stossel / May 22, 2024


There’s another environmental crisis we’re supposed to worry about — “bee-pocalypse” and “bee-mageddon.” It’s nonsense.

Thomas Gallatin / May 22, 2024

DeSantis Boots Climate Cultism From Government

The Florida governor recently signed legislation that removes “climate change” from official consideration by state government agencies.

Thomas Gallatin / April 30, 2024

Biden’s Coming ‘Climate Emergency’

With his poll numbers flagging, Joe Biden is considering a “national climate emergency” to fire up the youth vote.

Douglas Andrews / April 23, 2024

Biden’s Big Earth Day Giveaway

In yet another effort to buy votes, our decrepit president is shoveling “green” billions into low-income communities.

Thomas Gallatin / March 18, 2024

Biden’s Costly War on Fossil Fuel

Automakers are cutting back on EV production, because the majority of Americans aren’t buying into the Biden administration’s climate alarmism.

The Washington Stand / February 21, 2024

Woke Investment Managers Pull $15.7 Trillion From Climate Activism Pact

The firms withdrawing haven’t abandoned their commitment to climate activism, but they would prefer not to become the next Bud Light in doing so.

Thomas Gallatin / February 20, 2024

Team Biden Censors EV Truth

A leftist climate change organization seeks to get broadcasters from air ads exposing Joe Biden’s anti-fossil fuel agenda.

Thomas Gallatin / February 7, 2024

Category 6 Climate Alarmism

In a naked effort to push the alarmist claim that climate change is making common weather events worse, a couple of scientists want to change the hurricane scale.

Nate Jackson / January 31, 2024

Steyn v. Mann and Climate Speech Suppression

A defamation case yields two big lessons about free speech and the power of Climate Inc.

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