Top Headlines
Obama’s labor rules, IRS chief avoids impeachment and Time’s Trump award.
Time’s Person of the Year: Donald Trump. Who else? (Time)
Obama’s top labor arbiters have overturned a cumulative 4,500 years of legal precedent over the past eight years, in 91 decisions without a Republican vote. (Washington Free Beacon)
GOP leaders reveal stopgap spending bill that includes path for Mattis confirmation. (The Hill)
Medicare looms over Trump-Ryan alliance. What will the pair do to reform it? (The Hill)
Obama’s IRS commissioner evades impeachment. (The Daily Signal)
Trump announces Japanese telecom company will invest $50 billion and 50,000 jobs in the U.S. (Hot Air)
Obama sent rep to Castro’s funeral, but not Margaret Thatcher’s funeral… (The Daily Signal)
Congress objects to secret Obama deal for 2,400 Middle Eastern refugees rejected by Australia. (The Washington Times)
Angela “Let the Refugees Come” Merkel calls for a ban of full facial veiling — i.e., Islamic burkas. (NBC News)
ObamaCare shutters Texas restaurant. (The Washington Times)
Ukraine peace deal delayed by Obama’s confusion and obfuscation. (Reuters)
Policy: Fake news is not a technology problem. (Tech Policy Daily)
Policy: Trump’s realistic thinking on climate change. (InsideSources)