Truth … or Lie?
Peter Jones is a kind, scholarly man with a charming British accent and delightful sense of humor.
Peter Jones is a kind, scholarly man with a charming British accent and delightful sense of humor.
Even a brief conversation with him reveals that he is a loving human being who is at peace with himself and his Creator.
In addition to his warm, grandfatherly demeanor, Dr. Jones is a fierce warrior for truth. In fact, his bedrock commitment to speaking the truth in love is precisely what makes him a powerful teacher and wonderful person.
Dr. Jones is both humble and confident. He knows that he is a fallen being, just like the rest of us. Yet he doesn’t wallow in guilt over past sins or pretend as if they don’t exist.
He speaks of truth boldly but with love. And even though he holds a master’s degree in divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a master’s degree in theology from Harvard Divinity School, and a doctoral degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, he communicates in a manner that touches the heart and mind.
Thankfully, Dr. Jones runs a ministry that was formed at exactly the right time in our nation’s life. TruthXChange is nothing short of a gift from God to anyone who wants to learn how to effectively confront the anger, apathy and lies that are quickly engulfing American culture.
The organization fills the void that the large majority of Christian churches left when they sought to look more like the world, instead of offering the way to a better life by staying true to the Gospel.
But TruthXChange does not seek to replace our churches; rather, the ministry equips church leaders, teaching them how to really be “the Church” in a culture that is hungry for truth and God’s unconditional love.
Last year I attended a two-day seminar that TruthXChange sponsored featuring numerous Christian apologists who are boldly exposing the harms and lies of false spirituality, gender fluidity and redefined marriage. The content was stunning and life-changing.
Through books, videos, blogs and events, TruthXChange furthers its purpose: “For God’s glory, TruthXchange exists to equip the Christian community in general and its leaders in particular to recognize and effectively respond to the rising tide of neopaganism.”
If you seek to understand how it’s possible that, in America, kindergarteners are being taught that they can choose their own gender; if you wonder how intelligent people can be duped into referring to men like Bruce Jenner as “she”; if you are concerned about the demise of free speech and the freedom to live the Christian faith in our country, then you need to spend time reading through the excellent materials on
Serving as a foundational scripture for TruthXChange, in Romans 1:25 Paul speaks of the affluent yet morally bankrupt Roman culture and warns of the consequences to come for a people “who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator …”
TruthXChange will teach you “to clarify the Truth by understanding and explaining the Lie.”
Dr. Jones’ powerful book, “Gospel Truth/Pagan Lies: Can You Tell the Difference?” is a great place to start learning how to combat our nation’s cultural decline. I keep it on my nightstand and reread sections frequently.
TruthXChange challenges me to become a more effective defender of my faith, to understand the genesis of the lies that permeate society, to be bold in speaking truth. “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of salvation for all who believe.”
If I truly adhere to the meaning of this verse from Romans 1:16, I am also bound to study and understand that Gospel more fully. will challenge and help you understand too.
Rebecca Hagelin can be reached at