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May 6, 2020

Wednesday Short Cuts

Notable quotables from Andrew Sullivan, Nancy Pelosi, Bill de Blasio, and more.

Political futures: “[Americans have] been conditioned for a few decades to expect every issue to be settled by a Team Red pundit and a Team Blue pundit going at it like a pair of Rock ‘Em Sock 'Em Robots.” —Jim Geraghty

Friendly fire: “How many Pulitzer prizes have gone to essays that have had to subsequently publicly correct one of their core claims? Or been challenged by every major historian in the field, right and center and left?” —leftist columnist Andrew Sullivan on The New York Times winning a Pulitzer for its historically revisionist 1619 Project

The BIG Lie: “[The 1619 Project’s] fresh political perspective, provocativeness of the argument, and engaging writing is what we are [sic] awarded. … The piece provoked useful public debate and conversation about an important matter — the very identity of our nation. This is what we want commentary to do.” —Pulitzer Prizes Administrator Dana Canedy

Never let a crisis go to waste: “I truly think that, if we do this right, we have an incredible opportunity to not just dig out of this crisis but to fundamentally transform the country.” —Joe Biden

If not for double standards… “I am proud to support Joe Biden for president. I believe him when he says it didn’t happen. … But I’m not going to answer this question again.” —Nancy “Kavanaugh Should Withdraw” Pelosi

Braying jackass: “I want a coronation of Joe Biden. Would he make a great president? Unlikely. … Would he make a better president than the present occupant? Absolutely. I don’t want justice, whatever that may be. I want a win, the removal of Donald Trump from office, and Mr. Biden is our best chance.” —Martin Tolchin, a 40-year veteran of The New York Times who helped found Politico and The Hill

Demo-gogues: “I think what they’re clearly trying to do is deflect attention away from the administration’s terrible mishandling of this virus and all of the false narrative that the president was putting out early on about this going away on its own, being no worse than the flu, that we’re going to contain it down to zero. And so, they’ve chosen to go after China.” —Rep. Adam Schiff, setting up his coronavirus inquisition to take down Trump

Non compos mentis: “A lot of these [nursing homes] are for-profit organizations. I think there’s going to be a lot of questions about whether they put their residents first or whether they put profit first.” —Mayor Bill de Blasio (“This has nothing to do with 'for-profit organizations.’ New York FORCED nursing homes to take coronavirus patients. That happened right after De Blasio encouraged New Yorkers to go to the movies during a pandemic.” —Matt Walsh)

And last… “Another way of looking at this is that Betsy DeVos is changing the Title IX rules from the ones that Joe Biden liked before he was accused of sexual assault to the ones that Joe Biden demands now that he has been accused of sexual assault.” —Charles C.W. Cooke

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