October 22, 2020

Deceitful Biden Ad Blames Trump for Shuttered Economy

A certain pro-Biden bar owner is not what he portrays himself to be.

In an effort to show that he understands the pain of Americans suffering under (Democrat governors’ tyrannical) COVID-19 lockdowns, Joe Biden’s campaign pumped out an ad featuring a “struggling” Michigan bar owner who, predictably, blames President Donald Trump’s “failed” response to the novel virus for his current economic woes. In the ad, bar owner Joe Malcoun laments, “We don’t know how much longer we can survive not having any revenue,” later asserting that unless Biden is elected, “a lot of restaurants and bars that have been mainstays for years” will go under. He concludes, “My only hope for my family and this business and my community is that Joe Biden wins this election.”

First, there’s the obvious fact that Trump is the one who has been pressing for Democrat-run states to end their lockdowns and reopen their economies. Biden, on the other hand, has promised to impose new lockdowns across the nation in response to increasing infection numbers.

The real sticking point, however, is that Malcoun is not some small business owner on the verge of going under. In fact, Malcoun is quite well off, and the bar is simply one of his many business ventures. In 2013, Malcoun founded CKM Capital Partners and eventually became an “angel investor” in local tech companies. He was the CEO of Nutshell, a company producing customer-relationship-management software from 2014 through 2019. During that time, it received at least $5.5 million in venture capital. No small potatoes.

Further exposing the disingenuous nature of the ad, Malcoun donated $5,000 to Biden’s campaign in July, and that was months into the pandemic lockdown. If he was struggling so badly for cash and on the verge of having to permanently close down the bar, his supposedly only source of livelihood, then where did he get the disposable income to shell out on a campaign? Why not pay his employees with the funds?

In the end, caught in the lie, the Biden camp has pulled it.

But just like his other deceitful ad that our Douglas Andrews panned yesterday, this one serves to underscore — you might even say in a nutshell — the fraudulent nature of the entire Biden campaign. Biden is not pro-business, pro-health, pro-America, or pro-Liberty. He is, however, pro-Big Government and pro-extreme leftist agenda.

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