Left Blasts Tulsi Gabbard Over Born-Alive Bill
The reaction to her bill shows just how extremist the Democrat Party has become.
Former Democrat presidential candidate and outgoing congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has recently drawn the ire of Democrats and leftists not just for defending girls’ sports but for daring to stand up for justice and the rights of the most vulnerable.
Gabbard recently introduced H.R. 8923, a bill to update the U.S. criminal code to “ensure a health care practitioner exercises the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.” The bill was similar to one introduced by House Republicans earlier this year that was rejected by Democrats, who have increasingly become the party of abortion absolutists.
Demonstrating just how absolutist the Left has become on the issue of abortion, Gabbard was castigated on social media. One of the most prominent arguments against Gabbard’s bill is the assertion that there is simply no need for such a law because it’s rare that babies are born alive from botched abortions. As Imani Gandy, editor at Rewire, claimed, “You seem to be under the impression that born alive is a thing. It is not. Shame on you. I don’t know what your problem is but you’re turning out to be a real right wing s—t heel.”
Yet abortion advocates have a leftist Democrat to thank for highlighting the issue. Remember the shocking comments made by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam last year, when he essentially argued in favor of infanticide? “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
Gabbard has also received praise and support for her stance. Franklin Graham, for example, weighed in by commending her for taking a stand for justice. “Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii is getting attacked by the left for being bold enough to do the right thing. She introduced a bill to protect babies who survive abortions and are born alive. How could any sane person be against that?” Graham wrote, adding, “But the progressive left is shocked that anyone — especially a Democrat — would dare to come against them. Thank you Tulsi Gabbard. I believe there are millions of Democrats across the country who agree, and I hope they will stand with her and let her know. I’ve always liked Tulsi because she’s got guts!”
The reaction from leftist Democrats to Gabbard’s bill serves to expose just why Democrats lost so badly in down-ballot races this election. As political consultant Jacob Lupfer contends, “If House Democrats elected in the 2018 ‘blue wave’ had been allowed to support humane legislation like the born-alive bill, the party wouldn’t have fared so disastrously in 2020 House races. … This is why Republicans win. Literally no one other than abortion interest-group elites thinks doctors should kill babies after botched abortions.”
We commend Gabbard for daring to stand against her party’s radical left. However, with her looming departure, Democrats have lost yet another sane voice as they march toward being a party only of leftist extremists.