Rainbow Mafia Objects to School ‘Pride Flag’ Ban
Several school boards have prohibited teachers from displaying it in their classrooms.
Bullies will scream about being the “victims” as soon as those they have been bulling finally stand up and push back. Such is the case in several school districts across the country, where school officials have recently enacted policies that bar educators from displaying overt political messaging — specifically including the controversial homosexuality-promoting rainbow “pride flag.” As Newberg, Oregon, school board member Brian Shannon explained, “We don’t pay our teachers to push their political views on our students.” The nerve.
One of the biggest lies perpetuated in our nation is that the mainstream media doesn’t suffer from a leftist political bent. Exhibit umpteen million to the contrary is an NBC News story from its “Out News” division about how pride flags are a new “target” in the education culture war. The article’s first sentence makes a preposterous claim: “Pride flags, which were created to promote unity, are being called political and divisive in some schools across the country.” The truth, of course, is that the rainbow flag always has represented a politically divisive agenda that remains highly offensive to many Americans. Leftists nearly always have been the aggressors in the culture wars, yet here they are claiming victim status.
It’s both hypocritical and ironic that leftists seemingly see no problem with their overtly offensive and political displays, while at the same time they scream about the mere existence of historically accepted social and cultural symbols that they decry as evil. And often these leftist social agitators have to rewrite history in order to make their victimology narrative stick.
One of the biggest examples of this devious tactic was the false narrative surrounding the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard. The Rainbow Mafia seeded total falsehoods and then used them to great effect to contend that homosexuals were suffering from “hate crimes.” The truth is Shepard was a homosexual involved in drugs, and he was killed by two homosexuals involved in drugs.
Back to today’s schools, the notion that banning the display of the “pride flag” in American classrooms is tantamount to “oppressing” those who have embraced a homosexual identity is as phony as a $3 bill. Furthermore, it’s not that students themselves aren’t allowed to display “pride” paraphernalia on their own person or property. Rather, it’s that the schools and their employees cannot explicitly promote such messaging.
This reality long has been the case for religiously committed individuals. A public school teacher would not be free to hang a Christian flag in his classroom as he would be sending a religious or specific political message. Is the forbidding of overtly religious displays doing “violence” to religiously committed or identifying students? By no means.
Of course, in an attempt to back up the ridiculous claim that not allowing teachers to display the controversial “pride flag” will hurt students, NBC’s journalist hack points to the high attempted suicide rate among homosexual-identifying youths. Maybe that suicide rate should cause more of an introspection and examination of homosexual identity in the first place, not simply a louder and unquestioning embrace and celebration of a deviant lifestyle.
But that is exactly the issue — to allow people the freedom to object to and question the “goodness” of homosexuality is to violate the Left’s dogmatic agenda. That’s why the whole issue is political, and it’s why schools are right to ban it.
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