Right Analysis   /   Rainbow Mafia
Thomas Gallatin / July 24, 2024

Why Musk Fights the Woke Mind Virus

The Big Tech tycoon reveals why he is so motivated to fight against woke ideology.

Emmy Griffin / July 1, 2024

The ‘Pride Month’ Wrap-Up

It was mostly a bumpy ride for the gender-confused activists.

The Washington Stand / June 27, 2024

Pride Month Goes Out With a Whimper

The characteristic dread and fatigue from Pride is gone.

Emmy Griffin / June 26, 2024

SCOTUS Takes on Gender Mutilation

Is “gender identity” an equal rights issue when the science behind it is bunk?

Daniel McCarthy / June 25, 2024

Separate Sexual Identity and State

What gives the LGBTQ community a right to an official presence in public that’s denied to religious believers?

Political Editors / June 21, 2024

In Brief: Cake Artist Won at SCOTUS But Still in Court

“I gladly serve people from all backgrounds. I decide to create custom cakes based on what they will express, not who requests them.”

Thomas Gallatin / June 20, 2024

Biden DOJ Targets Whistleblowers for Protecting Kids

The FBI intimidates another Texas Children’s Hospital whistleblower for exposing the hospital’s illegal gender-bending treatment of children.

Gary Bauer / June 15, 2024

He Can’t Swim

A special sports court said “No” to “Lia” Thomas swimming against women in the upcoming summer Olympics.

The Washington Stand / June 14, 2024

Team Biden Takes a Beating in Court Over Radical Trans Agenda

A federal judge is blocking the White House’s radical rewrite of Title IX.

Byron York / June 12, 2024

Push to Promote Transgender Ideology Is Backfiring

The ideology which the Biden administration has so energetically promoted might no longer be the political benefit the president thinks it is.

Nate Jackson / June 10, 2024

Stop Mutilating Kids and Indicting People Who Say So

The DOJ has hit a whistleblower with four felony charges, while other doctors line up to save children.

Emmy Griffin / June 10, 2024

SPLC Adds ‘Gays Against Groomers’ to Its Hate List

If you’re homosexual and don’t agree with transgenderism, apparently, you’re a bigot.

Thomas Gallatin / June 6, 2024

Groomer Month at Scholastic

The children’s book publisher has gone all in on siding with those promoting a culture of sexual deviancy.

Nate Jackson / June 4, 2024

Pride Month Is Gross

A rated PG-13 reminder of the sick obsession flaunted by rainbow cult members.

Emmy Griffin / June 4, 2024

California Lefty Lawmaker Eats Her Own

When you realize your party supports evil, sometimes you have to say or do something.

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