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March 10, 2022

Americans’ Concern for Ukraine Is Racist?

MSNBC’s Joy Reid insists the only reason people care about Ukraine is because they are white and Christian.

Those obsessed with the politics of racial grievance tend to be the biggest racists in the room. The latest example demonstrating this reality comes courtesy of MSNBC. Joy Reid, the outlet’s most shrill and race-obsessed host, recently bloviated over the mainstream media’s coverage of and the corporate world’s response to Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the largest such invasion since Adolf Hitler’s forces invaded Poland in 1939 and ignited World War II.

According to Reid, the constant coverage and world attention on the war in Ukraine is yet more “evidence” in support of her repeated and tired Critical Race Theory-based wokism that boils down to the basic charge that “all white people are racists.” Reid concluded that the only reason for all the interest in the war is because Ukraine’s population is “white and largely Christian.”

Paging Whoopi Goldberg

Judging people in mass or individually based purely upon their physical and immutable characteristics is the textbook definition of racism. Yet Reid justified her blatantly racist comment with the classic false equivalency argument, otherwise known as comparing apples to oranges. “We haven’t witnessed the same type of solidarity for Yemenies as we do for the Ukrainians,” she asserted.

The situation in Yemen — which is more akin to a civil war, with one Yemeni faction being supported by Saudi Arabia — in no way mirrors Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. In fact, the Trump administration designated the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen as terrorists on the State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist list. However, upon taking office, Joe Biden ended their terrorist designation, and not because the Houthis had changed but in an effort to undo Donald Trump’s tough policy toward Iran.

Again, comparing Ukraine to Yemen is a false equivalency argument. Why did Reid not point to the media’s rather limited coverage of Russia’s invasion of Georgia back in 2008 or even the coverage of Putin’s attack and annexation of Crimea in 2014? Both of those countries’ populations are white and majority Christian.

Reid made a passing reference to Russia’s actions in Syria, which happens to be another civil war. That conflict drew considerable media coverage, especially Russia’s military participation in bombing and causing a massive number of civilian casualties and swaths of destruction across the city of Aleppo.

Similarly, Reid seems to care little for the ongoing Uyghur genocide being meted out by the Chinese Communists, an issue many Americans (especially on the Right) have regularly noted and called attention to. All the while, the Biden administration hardly gives lip service to them.

Like so many other leftists bound by their woke ideology rather than a genuine concern for people no matter the color of their skin or religious beliefs, Reid routinely smears those who fail to acquiesce to her race-based politics as a bunch of “white racist others” supposedly motivated by what, ironically, is clearly a guiding motivation for Reid — the color of their skin. The truth is that conservatives are guided by their love of American values — values that were recognized by our Founding Fathers and established in the Constitution. And those values eschew racism at its very core, which is why Reid’s comments are so objectionable.

A final passing point is that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has the world seriously nervous because, unlike Yemen and Syria, what’s happening there has the very real possibility of igniting World War III, a prospect no one — regardless of race — wants to see.

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