Right Analysis   /   Family
Scarlen Valderaz / June 27, 2024

‘Mom-Shaming’ Has Got to Go

It has come to the point where mothers are canceling each other, and quite frankly, it’s ridiculous.

Scarlen Valderaz / June 20, 2024

Anti-Family Culture Leads to Low Birth Rates

Both sexes are being encouraged to focus on the self and worry about starting a family later or not at all. How do we fix this?

Political Editors / June 20, 2024

In Brief: Erasing Marriage and Family

Queer theorists and practitioners aren’t kidding that they want a Marxist cultural revolution.

Victor Joecks / June 18, 2024

The Government Failed at Fatherhood

Promoting fatherhood should be a societal priority. It hasn’t been.

Samantha Koch / June 6, 2024

Confusing Adoption With the Gender Agenda

The Biden administration is doing everything it can to obstruct foster care and adoption by good, caring Christian families.

Samantha Koch / May 30, 2024

Make Kitchens Great Again

Immeasurable physical and mental health benefits come from spending time in the kitchen with loved ones.

Christine Flowers / May 28, 2024

Take What Harrison Butker Said in Context

He was making the radical point that Male Lives Matter and that we shouldn’t be afraid to celebrate them.

Scarlen Valderaz / May 23, 2024

Toxic Feminism’s Most Diabolical Lies

To feminists, Harrison Butker’s words felt like a stab to the heart, but that doesn’t make them untrue.

Michael Barone / May 17, 2024

The World’s — and the Pacific Rim’s — Disastrous Population Implosion

“Sometime soon, the global fertility rate will drop below the point needed to keep population constant.”

Brian Mark Weber / May 3, 2024

Having Babies Is a ‘Right-Wing Plot’?

As birth rates across the West are declining, conservatives know there’s a simple solution.

Samantha Koch / May 2, 2024

America’s Historically Low Birthrate Is a Problem

But it’s not insurmountable, so long as we extol the virtues and benefits of family.

Emmy Griffin / April 12, 2024

Women, Children, and Careers

The leftist culture of death explains why having children promotes gender inequality.

Political Editors / March 18, 2024

In Brief: ‘50 Years Later, I Still Anguish Over My Abortion’

My life has long been affected by an abortion I had at 17.

Samantha Koch / February 29, 2024

The Harmful Lies About Alabama’s IVF Ruling

By spreading falsehoods about the meaning of a recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling, leftists are scaring those who most need guidance and reassurance.

Samantha Koch / February 15, 2024

The Silent Epidemic of Going ‘No Contact’

What’s behind the growing trend of Millennials and Gen Zers breaking off all contact with their parents?

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