Biden’s Graduation Tale of ‘White Supremacy’
Nothing says “unity” like an 80-year-old white man serving up race-bait rhetoric to 22-year-old black graduates.
This just in: A Democrat inflamed racial divisions for political gain. It happens every day. Once again, it was President Unity™, this time giving the commencement address at Howard University, one of our nation’s most prestigious historically black colleges and universities.
“The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy,” Biden declared. “And I’m not saying this because I’m at a black HBCU. I say it wherever I go.”
Yeah, we know, and it’s tiresome because it’s an utterly false and divisive charge coming from a pathological liar. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop the crowd from applauding because for decades blacks have marched in lockstep with the Democrat Party and its divisive racial narrative. That’s exactly what Joe “You Ain’t Black” Biden is counting on.
“There are those who demonize and pit people against one another,” Biden asserted. “And there are those who do anything and everything, no matter how desperate or immoral, to hold onto power.” Naturally, that wasn’t a much-needed moment of introspection given Biden’s propensity for demonizing or even in light of news about Biden family corruption, a tale of abusing and grasping for power. Instead, it was a veiled shot at the man he hopes to defeat again in 2024, Donald Trump.
In fact, Biden even referenced that infamous Charlottesville rally in 2017 for which he and his media allies falsely demonized Trump and justified his own run for president.
“The oldest, most sinister forces may believe they’ll determine America’s future, but they are wrong,” the president added. “We will determine America’s future. You will determine America’s future.”
Yet Biden just told these black graduates that the moment they step foot out into the world, they’ll be victimized by whites. What kind of hopeful future is that?
Sadly, the picture for black Americans is indeed presently fairly bleak, but it’s not Biden’s political opponents who are responsible for that.
In the 1960s, Democrats launched their “Great Society” programs. Publicly, they wanted blacks to think they cared. Privately, President Lyndon Johnson was saying, “I’ll have those [racial slur] voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
The result of the “Great Society” was the destruction of the black family. Roughly three out of every four black children are born to unmarried parents. And that’s the ones who are born. Black women make up about 6% of the U.S. population but account for 39% of all abortions. In some cities, more blacks are aborted than born. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a racist eugenicist, and her plan seems to be working.
Thanks to Democrats’ open border, drugs run rampant throughout America, taking a toll on inner cities by exacerbating crime and gang activity. Tens of thousands die of drug overdoses, and tens of thousands more die because of crime related to drugs.
Biden loves to rail about guns and white people wielding them, but he rarely says anything about the black-on-black urban violence that claims far more black lives now than before he took office. Ever since he and his sidekick Kamala Harris fomented Black Lives Matter riots in 2020, the numbers of black lives lost has drastically increased.
So, in a sense, you could say that “white supremacy” is to blame for the plight of black Americans, but it’s not at all what Biden & Co. want you to think it is. Democrats are the true architects of white supremacy.
Are black Americans getting it? Perhaps. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll measured Biden’s approval rating among blacks at a mere 52%, with 27% telling pollsters they would vote for Donald Trump.
Wouldn’t it be something if that held true? Back in 2020, we wrote about Trump’s incredible legacy related to blacks:
Trump advocated school choice (which Democrats and their teacher-union backers hate) and increased funding for historically black colleges and universities. He pushed through significant criminal justice reform, which in large part undid the over-incarceration effects of legislation written by the 1990s version of Senator Joe Biden. President Trump advocated economic-empowerment zones and the “Platinum Plan,” which were just part of the policy agenda specifically designed to increase black employment. Prior to the pandemic, Trump’s presidency saw the lowest black unemployment on record.
What president in recent memory had actually done more for blacks?
Yet even with that record, Trump netted just 12% of the black vote.
Our great nation would benefit tremendously if more Americans of every color could see through the racial lies and demagoguery of the Left. After all, the message of Liberty is colorblind.