Unpacking the Abortion Issue
The GOP primary candidates’ stances on the topic were revealed, as well as the radical Left’s lies.
Abortion is a political issue and people have divergent thoughts even amongst the GOP. We saw that on display in the recent primary debate, with each candidate holding a slightly different position on the subject.
The question that was asked during the debate concerned a 15-week federal ban on abortion. At 15 weeks gestation, a child in the womb is about the size of an apple. We are not talking about a small, early pregnancy baby; 15 weeks is into the second trimester, and the baby has all its major organs already developed and growing and is probably able to be felt (in terms of kicking) by the mother. Yet even so, it still qualifies for a death sentence if the baby is deemed inconvenient.
With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the decision about the legality of abortion is now up to the individual states to decide. A federal ban would help stem the excesses of the radical Left’s murderous views on the subject.
Of the eight GOP candidates who participated in last Wednesday’s debate, former Vice President Mike Pence, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, and former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson were the only three who have openly supported a national ban. Pharmaceutical entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy is pro-life, but did not weigh in on this particular discussion. Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christy and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum are happy with the current federalist status quo. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley laid out the fact that even if a federal ban were introduced, Republicans don’t have the votes in Congress for it to even land on her hypothetical desk — in other words, a silly question.
As for the two frontrunners, former President Donald Trump — who did not attend the debate — is largely touted as the reason for the overturning of Roe because of his three Supreme Court appointments. However, he has been cited in private lamenting the political ramifications of abortion in the midterms, as Republicans had a flat performance as opposed to the expected red wave.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis pointed to his own excellent pro-life record in Florida. Under his leadership, the state has enacted a heartbeat ban (a limit of six weeks) for an abortion. He also has resources for parents who ultimately choose life. His only promise on the debate stage was to be a pro-life president and to use his influence to “help local communities and states advance the cause of life.” He supports the Supreme Court’s push for federalism and would seek to support those states that wish to have more restrictive bans and call out states that would allow the barbaric practice of abortion on demand — in some cases, even up until birth.
This debate highlights the struggle of the GOP in a post-Roe world. Is allowing the states to determine their own laws on abortion enough? Or should a “good and moral people,” as Founding Father John Adams hoped for us, enforce a universal restriction? Despite some hesitation that has become de rigueur post-midterms, pro-life causes are not a losing issue, especially in light of the Democrats’ extremism.
The immediate outcry from the Left was summed up perfectly by former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s social media post, “No one supports abortion up until birth.”
It’s true that most Americans don’t support abortion up until birth, but the radical wing of the Democrat Party (put we repeat ourselves) absolutely does.
The official party stance under the euphemism of “reproductive health” states that its members will “fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers to reproductive health and rights.” What are those barriers? Typically, gestational age limits. Democrats in Congress have actively voted against lifesaving care for children who survive an abortion by blocking the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. And as recently as February 2022, Senate Democrats pushed through an abortion bill — disingenuously called the Women’s Health Protection Act — that not only would have forced taxpayers to pay for these abortions but would explicitly allow for them up until the moment of birth.
They are adamantly opposed to any federal ban and have blocked the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act — the bill that was the impetus for the GOP debate discussion. To a man, the Democrats demonized former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard for deigning to call for an abortion ban in the last three months of pregnancy.
Leftist pundits like Jen Psaki and “fact-checkers” like The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler just hope that most readers aren’t astute enough to call them on their gaslighting.
This was an interesting first debate. This writer hopes that the candidates take a more bold stand for life as the primaries loom ever closer. Fortune, as they say, favors the brave, and the cause of protecting the most vulnerable — unborn children — is a righteous one.