Right Analysis / Douglas Andrews
Douglas Andrews / August 11, 2020

Propping Up Joe Biden

By rigging the nomination for an unfit candidate, Dems have stooped to a new low.

Douglas Andrews / August 11, 2020

Mike Pence: Unsung Hero

Donald Trump chose a truly good man in 2016, and that’s good for America.

Douglas Andrews / August 10, 2020

Pelosi Fiddles, Trump Burns Her

Having tired of waiting for Congress, the president acted boldly on COVID relief.

Douglas Andrews / August 10, 2020

Poor, Poor, Pitiful Michelle Obama

The most privileged woman in America isn’t too happy these days.

Douglas Andrews / July 31, 2020

Obama Politicizes a Funeral

Civil rights giant John Lewis deserved better than what he got from our 44th president.

Douglas Andrews / July 31, 2020

An Entitled Generation of Protesters

When it comes to parenting, we reap what we sow, as can be seen among rioting adolescents.

Douglas Andrews / July 30, 2020

The Best Case Ever for Limited Government?

Heather Mac Donald lays bare a four-month run of ruinous public-policy encroachments.

Douglas Andrews / July 30, 2020

Trump Moves Troops, Romney Squeals

The president rightly wonders why we still have 36,000 troops stationed in Germany.

Douglas Andrews / July 29, 2020

Barr Eats the Democrats’ Lunch

House Democrats repeatedly tried to “reclaim their time” in order to “cancel” AG Barr — and for good reason.

Douglas Andrews / July 29, 2020

The Obama-Biden ‘Scandal-Free’ Lie

Here’s one fearless woman’s story of government oppression and media malpractice.

Douglas Andrews / July 28, 2020

Is Tom Cotton Picking on the 1619 Project?

It’s bad history, and it shouldn’t be taught in our schools.

Douglas Andrews / July 28, 2020

About Those Unarmed Black Men Killed by Cops…

Contrary to media implication, “unarmed” doesn’t mean incapable of killing a cop.

Douglas Andrews / July 27, 2020

The ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ Ruse

The Leftmedia promotes a fake threat while ignoring a real one.

Douglas Andrews / July 27, 2020

Saving Our Suburbs From Demo Regulation

Donald Trump does away with yet another meddlesome Barack Obama-era rule.

Douglas Andrews / July 27, 2020

Mission: Unrest

The Left wants to make Americans miserable — straight through till Election Day.

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