Joe Biden’s ChiCom Quid Pro Quo Crime Syndicate
This is not a “Hunter” problem; it’s a “Joe” problem.
(Read our previous article on Joe Biden’s corruption. Read our next article on Joe Biden’s corruption.)
We can now verify beyond any reasonable doubt that Joe Biden, in his 47 years as a statist Swamp Rat, created at least one constituent job — a very lucrative position for Hunter Biden, the underboss of Joe’s family crime syndicate.
At the same time the Bidens were arranging side deals for big bucks with the Red Chinese, Joe sat by as millions of American jobs were lost to cheap China labor — the jobs Donald Trump has worked tirelessly to bring home. While President Trump was negotiating fairer trade terms with China, the ChiComs were placing their bets on a future Joe Biden presidency.
As Thomas Gallatin wrote last week, Hunter’s emails tying Joe Biden directly with pay-to-play Ukraine and China quid pro quos have cracked the Biden facade, and Joe’s long career of corruption is seeing the light of day. But there was no coverage of that corruption from the Demos’ Leftmedia talkingheads, other than repeating the Biden campaign claim that it was all “Russian disinformation” and a “smear campaign.” Additionally, there was a massive social media blackout on those reports in order to contain the damage to Biden’s presidential campaign.
Notably, amid the emerging scandal, the Biden campaign New York Times tabloid did run a report (based on hacked information) suggesting President Trump had some dealings with China prior to taking office. Glad we cleared that up!
Predictably, in last week’s “town hall” wiffle ball pitches to Biden, not a word was asked about the scandal. Political analyst David Marcus declared, “Let me be blunt — George Stephanopoulos’s failure to ask Joe Biden about this bombshell New York Post story is the most egregious example of journalistic malpractice that I have ever seen, and that’s a very competitive category these days.”
Joe Biden has repeatedly declared, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” in the Ukraine and China. (Watch Biden’s denial.)
When was asked why his son received an $80,000-per-month check for sitting on the board of corrupt Ukrainian oil company, Burisma – at the same time the then-VP was in charge of our policy in Ukraine, he responded, “‘Cause he’s a very bright guy.”
If Biden is not asked by the partisan Demo moderator of the next presidential debate this Thursday night, I hope Trump will ask him – repeatedly. It will be interesting to see how Biden attempts to throw off the scent ahead of that dueling confab.
We have been rightly cautious about the veracity of Hunter Biden’s emails, and I continue to maintain 10% skepticism. Likewise, Senator Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, asked the FBI to verify the hard drive communications: “As the first step in our due diligence, committee staff contacted FBI officials and asked for confirmation of certain facts in an attempt to validate the whistleblower’s claims and assertions. Unfortunately, several days later, the FBI responded that it would not confirm or deny any information identified by the committee even though several of our questions were not related to the possible existence of an ongoing grand jury investigation.”
Recall, it was Johnson’s committee which, in September, released a report on “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption,” detailing how the Biden crime family profiteered off Biden’s office.
Significantly, neither Joe nor Hunter Biden, nor the Biden campaign, have denied the story yet. Is that a clever set up, or as the Wall Street Journal’s James Freeman asks, “After celebrated New York Times and Washington Post articles about Donald Trump and Russia turned out to be wrong, will maligned New York Post articles about Joe Biden and Ukraine turn out to be right?” Freeman wants to know, “What kind of meetings can a Chinese tycoon buy for $10 million a year?”
That notwithstanding, for the MSM to black out news about the communications while claiming they were “unverified” is inexcusable. After breaking the story, the New York Post’s editorial board noted: “The New York Times and Washington Post reporting that built vast hysteria over 'Russiagate’ in the administration’s first days [was] all rooted in ‘opposition research’ commissioned by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, or … Clinton partisans in the Obama administration. … Desperate for Biden to win, they want to sink the [Ukraine and ChiCom] story with innuendo rather than actually report on it. Don’t ask too many questions, and you can dismiss it all as ‘unverified.’” The Journal is finally insisting, “Joe Biden has an obligation to answer questions about his son’s influence-peddling and his own financial dealings—notably regarding China.”
The fact that the “Russia collusion” fabrication was wholly unverified certainly didn’t stop the Leftmedia from immediately and endlessly pushing that leftist narrative for the next three years. So why aren’t they devoting equal resources to what they claim again is “collusion” between Trump campaign operatives and Russian dezinformatsia apparatchiks?
The difference between that fabrication and the Biden emails — and it’s a BIG difference — is that Fox News has now verified at least one of the most damaging emails directly tying Joe Biden with a pay-to-play political access scheme involving millions of dollars from ChiComs. In that email, there is a reference to a percentage of the ownership profits: “10 held by H for the big guy.” Another party copied in that email has now verified its authenticity and confirmed that “the big guy” is Joe Biden.
In fact, it is estimated that the ChiComs have paid almost $31 million to the Biden family syndicate.
That fact should fuel a full court MSM investigation by every legitimate news organization in America – but given the fact that the vast majority of media outlets are Democrat Party echo chambers, not one Leftmedia network dares touch the issue.
And former federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani, now President Trump’s personal attorney, says that before he released any of the emails to The Post he had already verified dates and context with a confidential informant. Additionally, according to Beth Baumann, “Based on what’s known, Giuliani stated Hunter Biden should be in prison for failing to register as a foreign agent, which is what Paul Manafort went to jail for.” According to Giuliani, Hunter Biden had no such registration either. Oh, by the way, neither did Joe Biden.
Giuliani promises there are more communications to come.
For the record, in October of last year during a presidential primary debate, Biden told CNN’s Anderson Cooper: “My son did nothing wrong. I never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with Ukraine. No one has indicated I have. We always kept everything separate.”
In December during the Trump impeachment charade, Biden reiterated: “There is nothing he – there is nothing to that he did anything that was illegal. Nothing. … Look, here’s what I’m not gonna do. I’m not gonna…play the game to take the eye off the culprit. The culprit here is what may have looked bad but wasn’t anything wrong is totally different than whether a president has held up $400 million in aid…that is criminal.”
Actually, that was an effort to determine if the least likely candidate to be his 2020 opponent, used his influence to protect his son.
Recall that in 2018, Joe Biden bragged on the record about how, in 2015 as VP, he threatened to withhold a BILLION dollars if Ukrainian officials did not fire the prosecutor who was hot on the trail of Burisma and Hunter Biden – a firing that even The New York Times acknowledged benefited Hunter. As Biden recounted, if Ukrainian officials didn’t “take action against the state prosecutor [read: fire him] I said … ‘We’re not going to give you the billion dollars. … I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”
That is precisely what Trump was asking about.

In the most recent presidential debate, Biden again declared: “Look, my son did nothing wrong at Burisma.” He added: “My son … had a drug problem. He’s overtaking it. He’s fixed it. He’s worked on it. And I’m proud of him. I’m proud of my son.” I expect we will hear some version of that again in the next debate, because Joe has been Hunter’s primary enabler for his entire lifetime.
Meanwhile, sticking with the script, Biden was finally caught off guard Friday, and asked directly, “What is your response to the New York Post story about your son, sir?” He tersely replied: “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.” That question was not asked by a “conservative” journalist – it was asked by CBS News reporter Bo Erickson. And indeed, “those are the questions” journalists should be asking.
As commentator Laura Ingram notes: “This is how they get away with it. It’s a ‘smear campaign’ when there’s an email trail, but it’s good journalism when it’s suppositions set up by the deep state, as in [the fake Russian dossier].”
So, is this all “Russian disinformation” from “the Kremlin” as House Intelligence Committee Charman, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) insists, despite a clear rebuttal of that spurious claim by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, who says there is no evidence to back up Schiff’s claim?
If the Demos’ can’t continue to spin the “Russian disinformation” narrative, Biden and his Demo/Leftmedia machine will endeavor to spin this as a “poor addict Hunter Biden” problem. But as seasoned political observer John Hinderaker makes clear, “Of course, the issue isn’t Hunter — a sad, drug-addled case — but rather the light that the documents shed on the corrupt career of Joe Biden. The Post’s documents show a level of corruption that is remarkable even by Swamp standards.”
According to President Trump, “That’s a laptop from hell. A giant trove of emails show Hunter Biden making deals, setting up meetings with his father Joe, and using the office of the vice president for a for-profit cash machine. … People think of Joe Biden as a nice man. He’s not a nice man. He’s a corrupt man. … Joe Biden is and always has been a corrupt politician. Joe is far more corrupt than Hunter. The Biden family is a criminal enterprise.”
Finally, as I wrote last January, and other sources now agree, Democrats impeached Trump in an election year for what Joe Biden actually did. There is now additional corroborating evidence of Biden’s corruption. House investigators want to know why, since the FBI had the Biden hard drive last December, this was not made known during the impeachment inquisition, especially if the FBI was investigating Biden money laundering. Members of the House are also urging Attorney General William Barr to appoint a special counsel to probe the email allegations.
Meanwhile, the Biden campaign strategy will be to keep Joe sequestered, and run out the clock until election day.
P.S. Stay tuned: Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devan Cooney, currently incarcerated, has decided to release 26,000 emails for review, which will bolster the pay-to-play racket to enrich Joe Biden. Another Biden partner in crime, Devon Archer, is awaiting sentencing. Somehow Hunter escaped prosecution.
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776
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