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July 1, 2024

The ‘Pride Month’ Wrap-Up

It was mostly a bumpy ride for the gender-confused activists.

Compared to years past, this was a relatively quiet Pride Month. Perhaps it was because there were more pressing issues. Or maybe the pushback is finally starting to turn the tide against the social activist bullies. Whatever the case, we look back at June 2024 with these interesting tidbits of Rainbow Mafia nonsense.

Beauty Pageant Drama

On June 1, Miss Maryland was won by a “transgender woman” (i.e., a delusional man) who goes by the name Bailey Anne Kennedy. Even at the time, the award pick seemed pretty intentional. Since then, female contestants have spoken out, mostly under a veil of anonymity due to concerns over vindictiveness.

Their complaints center on three grievances. First and foremost, the beauty pageant is for women, and having a gender-confused male compete is an incursion into the women’s world. Second, many of the contestants were unaware that Kennedy is a biological male and shared private spaces with him in various states of undress. This was a violation of their safety and privacy. Third, the contest seemed rigged to favor Kennedy. He was crowned perhaps because the current owner of the Miss USA Pageant is a gender-confused male himself. The women complained that if Kennedy was the predetermined winner, it would have been kinder to have spared the other women the exorbitant amount of time and money that pageant contests exact.

In truth, it would have been kinder not to have allowed Kennedy to compete at all, but at least these women were brave enough to speak out, even if anonymously. The fact that most of them are scared to reveal their names speaks to the level of bullying that occurs within this ideology. Who is the real oppressor?

Courageous Victims? “Trans Athletes”

This Washington Post exclusive highlights just how “oppressed” male-to-female athletes are. A male track athlete who now goes by the name Sadie Schreiner is smashing women’s records. Schreiner was a high school boy’s track star and is competing again in college after his body has been completely manipulated and likely broken beyond repair by hormone therapies. But he’s the victim, WaPo assures readers. People call him a cheat for competing against women — something that was his own choice — and he is unhappy that those around him correctly see this as unfair.

The point of the article is to explain that states banning men from women’s sports is bigoted. While Schreiner can be pitied for suffering from gender dysphoria and for perhaps being indoctrinated by the public school system, social media, or other activists, his victimitis is indefensible. He was the one who chose to push his way into women’s sports. He was the aggressor and was very likely backed to the hilt by the school system. If his teammates’ experiences are anything like Lia (Will) Thomas’s teammates, then the girls are being threatened and bullied into silence and forced to smile and clap even as their own chances are taken away.

Misgendering Is an Ejectable Offense?

Traveling with a young toddler is extremely difficult, but this Texas mom’s alleged experience verges on dystopian. According to National Review, Jenna Longoria’s ordeal started when she was negotiating with a United Airlines employee to pre-board her flight so that she could get her 16-month-old son situated. The gate agent — a male identifying as a female — allegedly gave Longoria a hard time regarding car seats and airline policy but eventually allowed her to board. That was when Longoria made her first mistake. She told him, “Thank you, sir.”

Her next mistake was asking for help getting all her luggage situated. Between the stroller, car seat, and crying toddler, she was frazzled. In explaining her plight to the flight attendant, she again called the gate agent “the man at the front.” The flight attendant was quick to point out that the dress-wearing gate agent was a woman. Instead of helping her, the flight attendant told her to get off the plane. She was not allowed to retrieve her luggage and had to pay $1,000 for new tickets to her destination.

United Airlines has denied the allegation that she was barred from her flight because of misgendering, instead claiming it was because she had too many carry-on items. However, Longoria recorded her confrontation with a United Airlines official and posted it to social media, which seems to corroborate her claim. That official said she was banned because of “what came out of her mouth.”

Another Battle of the Intersectional Coalition

Over the weekend, pro-Hamas protesters attacked the New York Pride Parade, destroyed a few floats, harassed participants, and blocked the route. This was simply the latest in a string of pro-Hamas protesters disrupting pride parades. The Left’s intersectional coalition has always consisted of strange bedfellows, but watching pro-terror protesters attacking LGBTQ+ events is particularly telling of the fissures that are starting to appear.

June is now over, and with July comes the sweet relief of American flags and a worthy celebration of our country. God Bless America.

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